Krishna Prasad Sankar on 05 Dec 2014 01:33:07
Please add GANTT Charts to the list of visuals
- Comments (69)
RE: Gannt charts
Please make this possible ASAP. The OOB legend uses dark grey and light grey, which are very hard to tell apart when layering the visual.
RE: Gannt charts
It would be great to have the ability to change the color of the legend
RE: Gannt charts
It would be good to have the option to customize the colours for the gantt chart bars.
RE: Gannt charts
I wonder if there is a possibility to create gannt chart with time instead if dates.
RE: Gannt charts
Please add the ability to display quarterly view.
RE: Gannt charts
I like using the Gantt chart, but could you provide the ability to change the colors? That would be awesome!
Also, it would be helpful if there was an option to include multiple milestone items along the same project duration line. For example, 1 project task with a duration of 200 days and has the ability to include additional milestone items along that same duration line. However, smarter minds than mine would have to create something like that :)
RE: Gannt charts
Please please please let us choose the colours of the task bars. Having a Gantt chart default to various colours that have other meanings in typical project dashboards such as red and Amber is not a good thing.
RE: Gannt charts
It would be great to be able to fully customise the colours used for the bars/datapoints.
RE: Gannt charts
get weeks across the top and the bars are way too long. How can I switch to quarters or months?
RE: Gannt charts
LOVE this Gantt Chart.
Ability to display dates as Quarters would be a fantastic addition!