Power BI
CompletedPaginated reports - please make it available in Pro as well as Premium
Power BI User on 08 Nov 2018 16:46:05
Paginated reports - please make it available in Pro as well as Premium .. thank you
Haydn Richardson (administrator) on 20 Jan 2023 01:03:09
Paginated reports are now available in Power BI Pro. See Announcing support for paginated reports in Power BI Pro | Microsoft Power BI Blog | Microsoft Power BI
- Comments (342)
RE: Paginated reports - please make it available in Pro as well as Premium
This is SORELY needed for medium/small businesses to fully transition from other BI reporting tools - like Micro strategy. Executives require standard reports in print ready format, not everything can be consumed online only. Please make this available to power bi PRO users.
RE: Paginated reports - please make it available in Pro as well as Premium
I am super excited about BI's nimbleness and advance analytics which, as a small business, allow us vie for market share against larger, more resource-rich competitors. But now I'm starting to wonder if Microsoft is creating walls keeping out small business - for example, charging $5000 for access to paginated report printing, a feature built into every other Microsoft tool - and Tableau, Domo and others for that matter. And I can understand and appreciate Microsoft's push to a paper-less world, but then why offer printing at all? Or if you want to keep people in the "garden", why offer PDF exports at all? It's such a ridiculous feature to keep away from small businesses, especially in view of this vociferous complaints from your community. And at a time like this when the country is rallying around small business, it seems off-brand for Microsoft to be so stubborn about this feature.
RE: Paginated reports - please make it available in Pro as well as Premium
I have used EVERY version of Microsoft SQL Server while in a corporate environment. I spent years developing SSRS solutions. I started promoting Power BI from the 1st year it was available. I gave you that background to help you understand how much I want to be in the Microsoft BI Stack.
That said, I support the SMB community as an expert in analytics focused primarily on the QuickBooks mid-market users. These users are trying to squeeze out the last drops of value from QuickBooks before they jump up to another solution. These same users are price sensitive and so premium is a non-starter. This makes paginated reports not available for these users so when I sit down to work with these evolving businesses, I am typically asked to provide a blend of summary data (PowerBI) WITH an ability to also see the same data in printable, tabular format. The inability of PowerBI to print all data in a matrix is well documented and that has led us to give users financial statements using Crystal reports. Ironically, the datasets we would use are already in the PowerBI stack but we can't use the right tool to deliver a pixel perfect report. Please help us get users into a full Microsoft solution by enabling Paginated reports using the data already on the PowerBI stack.
RE: Paginated reports - please make it available in Pro as well as Premium
Having this feature available only in Premium Capacity will definitely bar Med-Small size business from onboarding. But you may be surprised how big businesses may find this cost prohibitive too.
We always assume big businesses have all the resources they need, which is true as a whole. But in fact big businesses contain a lot of business units which work in silos and they don't necessarily share resources. Using financial industry as example, PowerBI conversation often start from individual investment team, they have their own business line budget, often they don't even have their own SQL server and not necessarily have easy access to IT resource. When they consider PowerBI for paginated report distribution, the idea of needing Premium Capacity often becomes deal breaker as it's a huge investment for Proof of Concept.
I suggest having a middle ground, where individual team can try out the feature. And when more players within the firm start using Pro Capacity for this, it will naturally make sense to move to a Premium Capacity.
RE: Paginated reports - please make it available in Pro as well as Premium
Publishing PBI Paginated Reports via a Pro License is a must, honestly I do not know what Microsoft is waiting on. It makes no sense to not be able to publish a paginated report in your App regardless of your license version. Microsoft please do not waste our time with this product unless it is able to publish to PBI service with a Pro license, thanks.
RE: Paginated reports - please make it available in Pro as well as Premium
Personally, I believe PowerBI would be a far better product without Premium even existing. Deliver the entire suite under the Pro license or find a better model. No more will I read, or watch a video, about a feature, get excited, only to find it's Premium only (not to mention the wasted time and effort in doing so). Like others, we're now stuck in a mixed PBI/SSRS model, which is clunky and unprofessional.
RE: Paginated reports - please make it available in Pro as well as Premium
Separating paginated reports feature out from the (non-premium) Power BI licenses really creates a barrier for users to join the Power BI evolution. In particular, due to the limitation of budgets, this really blocks many small-medium size firms as well as public sectors from embracing the further development of the Power BI solution.
At the moment, we are using a mixture of Power BI and SSRS solutions. It is a pain for the developers as well as the IT/IS professions to maintain a separate reporting system and processes.
If this is not included in the Power BI non-premium licenses, it will just mean that organisations are forced to continue doing what we are doing, and the better integration will just have to wait. To be honest, besides SSRS or paginated reports, what stops other independent developers to provider a free or cheaper alternative reporting solutions?
Agree with so many fellow Power BI users, this feature is a must to be included in the standard licenses.
RE: Paginated reports - please make it available in Pro as well as Premium
Please make the paginated reports feature cost effective for small businesses. A Premium license at $60k annually is out of my firm's reach. A different pricing model would be helpful if Microsoft doesn't want to give up a revenue stream (cash cow).
RE: Paginated reports - please make it available in Pro as well as Premium
Exporting entire reports (e.g., long tables) to PDF is a critical, must-have feature. Even for organizations that fully embrace digital dashboards, letter-sized documents are the standard for many important reports; it's a standard feature in Tableau, Excel and most other tools. Please add it to Power BI (non-premium) so we can fully adopt this amazing platform.
RE: Paginated reports - please make it available in Pro as well as Premium
In our organization we have multiple reports chains that we are currently distributing in various formats. Without being able to to use paginated reports (with a pro licence) it is impossible to transition in to a centralized and digital reporting. Some of our business units have now switched to SAP Analytics due to this! That's why this feature is a must!