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Disable visual highlighting and interactions

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Redmond Hartop's profile image

Redmond Hartop on 18 May 2018 16:39:30

When clicking on certain elements of a visual, I can control the interaction this selection has on other visuals within the report, but I was wondering if there is the ability to completely disable the clickability of a visual? I don't want the end users to be able to click on the visual at all, so neither the selected visual or other visuals would be highlighted? Tooltips should still be viewable on hover.

This feature should be available for use in both service and desktop.

More information on the unsuccessful attempts people have made trying to achieve this with graphs/charts can be found here:

Comments (85)
Redmond Hartop's profile image Profile Picture

Seong Jho on 05 Jul 2020 22:57:09

RE: Disable visual highlighting and interactions

Please give us a toggle in both the table and matrix visuals to turn on/off interactions with the visual itself.
Sometimes we don't want people to interact with the table but just view the table. Its really a hassle turning off interaction for every other visual on the page.

Thank you

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Omer on 05 Jul 2020 22:57:00

RE: Disable visual highlighting and interactions

Please also consider following ideas along with this one:

Redmond Hartop's profile image Profile Picture

Tony Gaul on 05 Jul 2020 22:53:30

RE: Disable visual highlighting and interactions

Strongly agree with this one. Have the same issue when doing reports with many visuals.

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de la Fouchardiere Augustin on 05 Jul 2020 22:41:13

RE: Disable visual highlighting and interactions

Sometimes when we create a visualization we need that element to have specific interactions with other elements, and it can be quite long to click on "Modify interactions", and then filtering or not on each other element. (some of my reports have 15 or 20 visualisations).

Then you need to add a functionnality like "Copy Paste Interactions" of a visualisation, to help us save time.
By clicking on it we would have the same interactions on a visualisation, just like how we do for Formatting.

Another way (you decide which is best) would be to disable all interactions of a visualisation with others (A global" ⃠")


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Roberto De Santis on 05 Jul 2020 22:38:42

RE: Disable visual highlighting and interactions

With the actual release of Power BI Desktop, it is possible to edit the interactions between the visualization items. But nothing is provided to edit all the interactions starting from a specific visualization.
Let's take in account a simple example: I want that nothing happens if I click on a bar chart. The only way I have to achieve that is to select "Nothing" on each of the others visualizations when the bar chart is selected. This operation could be very annoying if in the page many items have been placed (especially if they're partially overlapping).

Please, provide an option to enable/disable all the interactions starting from the selected visualization.