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Microsoft Idea

Power BI


Allow the creation of a Theme Pack

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Robert Duke's profile image

Robert Duke on 30 Sep 2015 05:45:30

Allow for the creation of a corporate color theme pack. Same principle of styles in Excel: I define a set of styles (colors, fonts, background, format,...) and apply to my report items. For example, let me set the default slicer background color to a suitable shade so that all slicer created start with my default color settings. I would also like to be able to save me color scheme separately so that i can share it with colleagues to create a consistent feel.

Administrator on 09 Aug 2018 03:45:38

Thanks everyone for the votes for theming! This month we finally made our report theming feature generally available: Of course, we will continue to iterate and improve on the feature, like we do all our features, so please propose new ideas if there's something specific you'd like us to add.

Comments (78)
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Nick on 05 Jul 2020 22:58:02

RE: Allow the creation of a Theme Pack

Being able to have a default font, font size and formatting of visuals (particularly the table and matrix visuals) would save a lot of time.

Robert Duke's profile image Profile Picture

Jon Fortner on 05 Jul 2020 22:55:22

RE: Allow the creation of a Theme Pack

Okay, so you got colors, how about Font Type and Sizes? I'd guess you'll have many Fonts we could list, so it may be cumbersome, but if we had a Global Default Font and could add the ones we need smaller/larger sizes on, that would be good. If it's not specified, use the Global Default. Maybe you could use an ordered list like ChartFontSizes: (10,12,8,12,9) and each position indicates which font changes.

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Pavithra Ramesh on 05 Jul 2020 22:52:14

RE: Allow the creation of a Theme Pack

This is good but there are limitations to this feature. We can't wait to be able to specify our choice of font size, style and several other standard properties in the theme that we are trying to build for our company!

Robert Duke's profile image Profile Picture

Sarah on 05 Jul 2020 22:51:08

RE: Allow the creation of a Theme Pack

I work for a company who has a very specific font that we are told to use for all presentations, reports, etc... to be able to import our preferred font along with our preferred colors (we currently do use the JSON file mentioned in the linked blog update) would be very helpful.

Robert Duke's profile image Profile Picture

David on 05 Jul 2020 22:49:23

RE: Allow the creation of a Theme Pack

This seems like a basic yet important and valuable feature to have... why is it over a year in planning with no updates??

Robert Duke's profile image Profile Picture

Jon Anunson on 05 Jul 2020 22:46:59

RE: Allow the creation of a Theme Pack

We should be able to apply the same theme used by Word, PPT, Excel, and Visio, etc. it's a very simple XML that sets colors and fonts. It would be great if there were a more sophisticated version, but even more important that we can get the same look across multiple products.

Robert Duke's profile image Profile Picture

Power BI User on 05 Jul 2020 22:45:45

RE: Allow the creation of a Theme Pack

This is great enhancement, but we need to be able to set font using a Theme Pack.

Robert Duke's profile image Profile Picture

Power BI User on 05 Jul 2020 22:44:05

RE: Allow the creation of a Theme Pack

A good start but we need to be able to set title Font, Title Background(image/color), font color, font size, Alignment, Background(image/color), Background Tranparency, Border, Border size, Border color..etc in JSON file too.

Robert Duke's profile image Profile Picture

Venkata P on 05 Jul 2020 22:43:40

RE: Allow the creation of a Theme Pack

That is a nice start but the theming needs to apply to every aspect of the report..

** Page Level: Page Background(image/color), Heading, Footnote

** Visualization Level: Title Font, Title Background(image/color), fotn color, font size, Alignment, Background(image/color), Background Tranparency, Border, Border size, Border color..etc

** Individual Visualization: All other visualization specific options. These should take precedence over the All visualization level just like CSS.

** Once the theme is loaded new visualizations or pages should follow the theme. with the ability to override the values like CSS inline Styling.

** Once a theme is loaded it should be in memory. i.e. if you switch to default and want to get back to the custom theme. It should be in the drop down instead of trying to fin it again.

** It would be nice to have a marketplace, at least organization wide.

Robert Duke's profile image Profile Picture

Gregory DF on 05 Jul 2020 22:43:40

RE: Allow the creation of a Theme Pack

I really like the new theming option. What would be even nicer would be to be able to change the default theme by the one I created.
And to be able to assign a theme color to a dimension value. For example, I'd like to always get my Gold segment to be yellow, and my Silver segment gray, whatever the chart.
But anyway, good job, thanks!