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Epic idea: Conditioanl formatting parameters displayed in legends and tooltips

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Miguel Myers's profile image

Miguel Myers on 08 Oct 2024 05:00:00

Interpreting visuals without a clear legend to indicate logic behind specific styles can lead to confusion and decision-making errors. An idea to enhance clarity and transparency by ensuring legends and tooltips accurately display colors, patterns, and other visual components influenced by logics, would enable report consumers to easily understand the applied logic and make more effective decisions.

Comments (122)
Miguel Myers's profile image Profile Picture

on 09 Dec 2021 21:30:27

RE: Epic idea: Conditioanl formatting parameters displayed in legends and tooltips

Need to be able to assign colors for specific data sets. I work on healthcare architecture projects and would like to be able to set "cardiology, primary care, oncology" etc. to a certain hex code to always be represented as the same color across pages. JSON files don't seem to be able to tag a color to a certain data label. Sorry - new to PowerBI. I realize I'm likely using beginning language!

Miguel Myers's profile image Profile Picture

on 09 Dec 2021 21:30:27

RE: Epic idea: Conditioanl formatting parameters displayed in legends and tooltips

I am a user that came from QlikSense and this is one of the things I think PowerBi could improve a lot!

In Qllk , the user has the option to create master dimensions or measures and assign specific colors to them!
So, it does not matter when the user uses that attribute, will always be the same color.

All the charts have also the option of formating by dimension. And it does not matter it is a bar chart, a combination chart os a Scatter-Plot ploot , when you use this option you guarantee that the same dimension will always have the same color which makes a lot of sense ( I don't want in one chart the country US show with Green and the other with Blue.. that just create confusion) .

I been trying the same thing in Power BI, but I came to the conclusion that this is not possible. Some charts I can try to put the dimension as a legend, but no ALL charts, and the colors are not consistent between charts! I try to create a table with the colors code and the field, but that is not very practical.
I have a personal finance dashboard, so you can imagine I have a lot of categories and want to keep the colour consistency between charts.

Hope this Improve because the tool is amazing!

Miguel Myers's profile image Profile Picture

on 09 Dec 2021 21:30:27

RE: Epic idea: Conditioanl formatting parameters displayed in legends and tooltips

Use conditional color at data color for pie chart.

Miguel Myers's profile image Profile Picture

on 09 Dec 2021 21:30:26

RE: Epic idea: Conditioanl formatting parameters displayed in legends and tooltips

I want to create a theme where the colors for a barchart (and others) are configured by name of the measure.
for example: invoice $ measure should be in green, invoice target in yellow, claims in red etc...
so when I apply my theme, everywhere where my invoice $ measure is used and a color can be set, I should have it in green.

Miguel Myers's profile image Profile Picture

on 09 Dec 2021 21:30:11

RE: Epic idea: Conditioanl formatting parameters displayed in legends and tooltips

When creating multiple Graph visualizations in a report (or on the same report page), the graph lines colors are predetermined. For example the first Value is Green, then Black, then Red etc.
Often I use the same measures as line graph values in my reports. Each time I have to manually change the line data color to be consistent with other graphs on the same report page or a different report page.
So for example the 'Turnover year line 2016 per month' should have a blue data color in all graphs of the report. This enanches your report/dashboard on user friendly.

It would be great if you can predetermine that a particular measure always has a consistent layout in your report.

Miguel Myers's profile image Profile Picture

on 09 Dec 2021 21:30:11

RE: Epic idea: Conditioanl formatting parameters displayed in legends and tooltips

Lock colours on certain data catagories in order to prevent colour clashes upon refresh. For example when producing a dashboard that contains an overview of competitors across the region; there are some major competitors which one would compete against in a number of markets; it would be useful to assign these competitors a colour. However, when the data looks at different markets, suddenly you get colour clashes which makes it more difficult to interpret data. This makes it harder to drive consistent visuals.

Miguel Myers's profile image Profile Picture

on 09 Dec 2021 21:30:11

RE: Epic idea: Conditioanl formatting parameters displayed in legends and tooltips

There is dire need to have this functionality implemented for the line charts to retain the data colors(user specific hexacode in automated fashion) for the same data points across the different line charts. We need the functionality to change the colors using measure.

Miguel Myers's profile image Profile Picture

on 09 Dec 2021 21:30:11

RE: Epic idea: Conditioanl formatting parameters displayed in legends and tooltips

Allow a standard color to be assigned to a column (e.g. dept), so that column always has the same color in all visuals.

Miguel Myers's profile image Profile Picture

on 09 Dec 2021 21:29:56

RE: Epic idea: Conditioanl formatting parameters displayed in legends and tooltips

It should be possible to set the data colors of all common fields in different charts and pages of the report to the same color without changing each color of each chart manually which takes time. It would be great if these defaults could be set programmatically and use hex codes from a table and then assign them to their relevant fields across all visuals.

Miguel Myers's profile image Profile Picture

on 09 Dec 2021 21:29:56

RE: Epic idea: Conditioanl formatting parameters displayed in legends and tooltips

It’s good that you added it, but it’s really some basic alpha-beta level only, in my opinion. It should enable the users to conditionally-format also the dimensions (Attributes) and not only measures (Metrics).

For example I have got a report with Revenue $ by region (AMER / EMEA / APJ) and i want the colors of the whole row / column / field to be cahnged based on the Region dimension OR Revenue measure).
Today, we can do only set up a simple conditions to measures.

Merged Idea (1)