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Epic idea: Apply filter selections automatically

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Miguel Myers's profile image

Miguel Myers on 08 Oct 2024 05:00:00

Imagine a world where report creators can automatically apply slicer and filter selections based on specific logic, revolutionizing data analysis and user experience. This innovative approach eliminates any need for complex workarounds, optimizes slicer functionality, and paves the way for more efficient and effective data reporting.

Comments (415)
Miguel Myers's profile image Profile Picture

Rick on 05 Jul 2020 22:57:01

RE: Epic idea: Apply filter selections automatically

This isn't a "nice to have", but a "must have". I can't believe this basic functionality isn't already included. What is worse is that it was first requested 2 1/2 years ago - an absolute lifetime in software development.

Miguel Myers's profile image Profile Picture

LGamache on 05 Jul 2020 22:57:01

RE: Epic idea: Apply filter selections automatically

We are implementing the tool actually.
Is it bug or failure ?
We are not able to define setting default slicer values upon opening, and setting dynamic values such as current month ?

Miguel Myers's profile image Profile Picture

Jamie Jamie.Logue on 05 Jul 2020 22:56:43

RE: Epic idea: Apply filter selections automatically

Need this.

Miguel Myers's profile image Profile Picture

Gabriel Grünberg on 05 Jul 2020 22:56:17

RE: Epic idea: Apply filter selections automatically

Need this desperatly

Miguel Myers's profile image Profile Picture

Alex on 05 Jul 2020 22:56:12

RE: Epic idea: Apply filter selections automatically

Need this.

Miguel Myers's profile image Profile Picture

Madeleine Roberts on 05 Jul 2020 22:56:06

RE: Epic idea: Apply filter selections automatically

This is so basic. Please include ASAP!!

Miguel Myers's profile image Profile Picture

Daniela Pintilie on 05 Jul 2020 22:55:57

RE: Epic idea: Apply filter selections automatically

This seems like it should have been added a long time ago!!

Miguel Myers's profile image Profile Picture

Chaminda Nuwarapaksa on 05 Jul 2020 22:55:52

RE: Epic idea: Apply filter selections automatically

This would be helpful a lot

Miguel Myers's profile image Profile Picture

xBiz on 05 Jul 2020 22:55:17

RE: Epic idea: Apply filter selections automatically

Please include this feature ASAP

Miguel Myers's profile image Profile Picture

Power BI User on 05 Jul 2020 22:54:54

RE: Epic idea: Apply filter selections automatically

The ability to have an expression driven default is definitely critical. We have multiple user requirements where they want us to be able to default a filter on a slicer and it isn't reasonable to manually update that each time it changes.

Merged Idea (1)