Add the ability to control the size of the grid in Power BI.
It's great to have snap-to-grid functionality and gridlines in Power BI Desktop. However, I haven't used this feature much because the standard grid size is not useful for my particular reports. I need the ability to change the size of the grid to make it more/less dense depending on my scenario.
- Comments (60)
RE: Adjust grid size
Our layouters build their whole design on the idea of an abstract grid, for example 16 cols and 9 rows. So each dashboard element will cover one or more of these so defined tiles. That gives us a framework for a consistent layout throughout the pages. But I'm not able to reflect this within PowerBI by using the grid lines and the snap to grid functionality. At least a variety of useful grids to choose fom (like 16:9 for example) would help.
RE: Adjust grid size
At the very least, grid sizing should be consistent between different display sizes and resolutions.
RE: Adjust grid size
Yes, we need this feature. Not useful in current state.
RE: Adjust grid size
I totally agree. The grid size is much to big for making nice visible reports
RE: Adjust grid size
Something that resembles the flexibility that Visio provides would be more than sufficient - specifically the "fixed" option.
RE: Adjust grid size
More granular grid sizing is a must so that we can provide a more complete / consistent user experience.
RE: Adjust grid size
or even just a grid size that fits evenly across a 16:9 ratio?
RE: Adjust grid size
We are building data UIs. How can a UI construction tool not have a smaller or adjustable grid size?
RE: Adjust grid size
This could be used to stop the grid dimensions changing. When I use a different PC with a different size screen, or view the bookmarks pane, or change the width of the visualisations pane, etc., the grid dimensions change and it becomes really difficult to keep things aligned.
RE: Adjust grid size
The grid size is huge which makes it almost useless. Take a note from Crystal Reports which has had the ability to adjust the grid size since I started using it....20 years ago.