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legend color in conditional formatting

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Jesús on 09 Aug 2019 01:19:48

when you have a graph to which you can apply a conditional format the legend stays with the default color, the legend should be put with the colors of the mixed conditional format

Comments (39)
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Robert Hawke on 17 Jan 2023 15:35:53

RE: legend color in conditional formatting

i spent 1 hour trying to figure out how to make this happen, just to realize it cannot be done. Come on Microsoft, why not enable conditional formatting for these charts?

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Jakub Fuchs on 17 Jan 2023 11:58:24

RE: legend color in conditional formatting

It is insane that this is not possible. I've watched so many videos, checked so many forum posts and even tried to map colors to particular data values (which I failed to accomplish) and yet to find out I still can't solve this.

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Diane Browning on 11 Jan 2023 15:23:45

RE: legend color in conditional formatting

The ability to specify bar colors in stacked bar charts (dynamically or manually) even when legend is used seems like a common enough requirement that you would allow this functionality...

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Raymond Cleveland on 06 Oct 2022 21:45:16

RE: legend color in conditional formatting

My legend changes based on Slicer selections, and it's a massive limitation that I cannot control the colors in the visualization. With hundreds of selections, I cannot set the colors manually...

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Jeanette Thiart on 23 Aug 2022 12:29:48

RE: legend color in conditional formatting

Agree,I find it very distracting and poor style if the legend colours are not consistent in a report over all visuals.

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Ian Thomas on 05 Jul 2022 10:54:41

RE: legend color in conditional formatting

Agreed.It is frustrating that you can use conditional formatting to colour on simple bar charts but have to manually assign colour codes to a legend when a second dimension is added to the same chart. It would be fantastic if Microsoft could find a solution to this issue.

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Harriet Stewart on 21 May 2022 18:07:33

RE: legend color in conditional formatting

Yes, this is a real limitation for showing survey results where you want the colors from question to question to be one color for negative and another color for positive respones, even when the questions are different.

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John Nickell on 04 May 2022 15:29:44

RE: legend color in conditional formatting

I'm cross posting my comment from the idea that more directly linked to what I'd like to see.The merged idea is: think this idea was merged incorrectly. As I understand it and as it applies to me. What brought me here was an attempt to apply conditional formatting only within the context of a single column. I'm unable to attach an image, so I will try to describe in words:I have a matrix with Year/Month hierarchy for the columns. I have a single measure for values I would like to use conditional formatting to visualize the highest and lowest values within a given month.Month 1 and Month 2's conditional formatting should be distinct. I'm able to create a format key that correctly ranks the values within a month but the conditional formatting for month 1 is thrown off because there are more values in month 2 (5 vs 8 in my case). In month 1 the 5th ranked value is the lowest value but it is formatted as a middle rank value because there is an 8th value in month 2.

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on 18 Apr 2022 21:03:18

RE: legend color in conditional formatting

Conditional formatting is only possible in the charts where legends or Columns series is not enabled on a chart.
Extending conditional formatting option for legends and column series in Stacked charts would be handy. There are uses cases for this.

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on 18 Apr 2022 21:03:18

RE: legend color in conditional formatting

Conditional formatting is only possible in the charts where legends or Columns series is not enabled on a chart.
Extending conditional formatting option for legends and column series in Stacked charts would be handy. There are uses cases for this.

Merged Idea (3)