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legend color in conditional formatting

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Jesús on 09 Aug 2019 01:19:48

when you have a graph to which you can apply a conditional format the legend stays with the default color, the legend should be put with the colors of the mixed conditional format

Comments (39)
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Liam Wright on 05 Jul 2023 23:31:20

RE: legend color in conditional formatting

This feature is very important for quickly highlighting important stats in a chart. Without it we are limiting the ability to present data that audiences can interpret at-a-glance. Please add this feature ASAP, Microsoft.

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Jeremy Brock on 27 Jun 2023 14:33:08

RE: legend color in conditional formatting

I need to create a stacked column chart where I can use conditional formatting based on another column in the data table. I can do this for scatter plots so hopefully the exact feature can be added to stacked column charts

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Othmane Chentouf on 07 Jun 2023 13:51:33

RE: legend color in conditional formatting

I can't believe we still don't have this feature in 2023.. this is quite important

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Jan Rene Kolding Wandsoe on 01 May 2023 11:27:43

RE: legend color in conditional formatting

Need this feature

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on 13 Apr 2023 17:08:29

RE: legend color in conditional formatting

I need to be able to set the color of the series of a line chart based on the value of another column (conditional formatting) and I was surprised that it cannot be done in a line chart but it can be done in other types of charts. It doesn't make any sense that the functionality is for some things and not for others that are similar. It would help users a lot if they unify the conditional formatting of data colors for all charts.

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on 11 Apr 2023 18:20:27

RE: legend color in conditional formatting

Currently, when you add a field for legend in stacked/clustered column or bar chart, you can't use conditional formatting for data colors. you can set them manually but it would be great to be able to use conditional formatting here, like that you can have predefine colors for stacks that you can map dynamically.

There may be a limitation when the conditional formatting will not return a color for a stack, in this case I suggest either having a default color or an error message indicating an invalid color value.

Compared to other dataviz tools, this point appears to be a limitation of Power BI and may be a barrier to adoption.


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Theodore Havener on 27 Mar 2023 20:47:56

RE: legend color in conditional formatting

I feel like this is highly overlooked, I have had many examples of when my reports look beautiful and ready to go and then the slices of my pie chart or column chart that have pieces split up by project, manager, or any other categorical just change color to seemingly whatever Power BI wants it to and many times it has been colors that are starchily different from the report theme. Please at least have the theme colors play a role in predicting what the user wants.

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Jenni Raappana on 15 Mar 2023 15:17:37

RE: legend color in conditional formatting

Please make this happen. Setting up colours manully in a dashboad where other colours are set condionally makes stacked bar chart a bad design choice.

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Cedric Fodouop Kamologne on 11 Feb 2023 12:52:55

RE: legend color in conditional formatting

No comment from Power Bi Team about this idea ?

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William Leavitt on 06 Feb 2023 01:35:09

RE: legend color in conditional formatting

Power BI for some reason is randomly changing some of my stacked bar chart color schemes. I have two central metrics that I'm using in the Legends, but as Themes are applied to the whole document, the other one (which has a different color scheme e.g. respondent efficiency vs. reported burnout symptoms) is much more of a pain to get the color scheme correct. Would be nice to be able to adjust that across the entire document/report.

Merged Idea (3)