Power BI
CompletedComposite models when connected to AS models (PBI datasets and Azure Analysis Services)
Sander A. on 25 Jul 2018 14:39:12
We really love the new feature of 'Composite Models' in the Power BI July 2018 update! This enables us to join custom lists with DirectQuery sources.
It would also be beneficial if this would also work when connected to SSAS Tabular in DirectQuery.
This would stronlgy improve the enterprise features of Power BI.
Administrator on 18 Mar 2022 04:15:01
The preview is underway: DirectQuery for Power BI datasets and Azure Analysis Services (preview) | Microsoft Power BI Blog | Microsoft Power BI. Please try it and provide feedback.
- Comments (254)
- Merged Idea (7)
RE: Composite models when connected to AS models (PBI datasets and Azure Analysis Services)
Super idee, z.s.m. mogelijk maken.
RE: Composite models when connected to AS models (PBI datasets and Azure Analysis Services)
Graag zo spoedig mogelijk
RE: Composite models when connected to AS models (PBI datasets and Azure Analysis Services)
please also vote if you think we need also SAP BW as supported source for composite models https://ideas.powerbi.com/forums/265200-power-bi-ideas/suggestions/39080569-composite-models-when-connected-to-sap-business-wa
RE: Composite models when connected to AS models (PBI datasets and Azure Analysis Services)
We need it to report the right information!
RE: Composite models when connected to AS models (PBI datasets and Azure Analysis Services)
This is absolutely crucial development request. We need to be able to manipulate various data sources from several SSAS models/ sources. Please vote up!
RE: Composite models when connected to AS models (PBI datasets and Azure Analysis Services)
RE: Composite models when connected to AS models (PBI datasets and Azure Analysis Services)
missing "composite model" support makes external SSAS Tabular the worst datasource to use with PowerBI :( Is there really NO option to add additional datatables to an SSAS Tabular "Live" Conncection? With SAP HANA/BW and directquery this can be done , also sap cloud analytics can add additional data in live mode
RE: Composite models when connected to AS models (PBI datasets and Azure Analysis Services)
We need it for all live connections (i.e. SAP BW, Hana) as well
RE: Composite models when connected to AS models (PBI datasets and Azure Analysis Services)
This missing functionality disallows you from mixing cube data with other data, whitch in a hybrid world is expected to shorten the Time To Market.
RE: Composite models when connected to AS models (PBI datasets and Azure Analysis Services)
One intermediate step would be to allow the creation or import of standalone table for use in slicers. These slicers can then be used to select among measures in either the underlying tabular model or report level measures. I good example is a simple slicer to select between units displayed in lbs or kg.