Power BI
CompletedComposite models when connected to AS models (PBI datasets and Azure Analysis Services)
Sander A. on 25 Jul 2018 14:39:12
We really love the new feature of 'Composite Models' in the Power BI July 2018 update! This enables us to join custom lists with DirectQuery sources.
It would also be beneficial if this would also work when connected to SSAS Tabular in DirectQuery.
This would stronlgy improve the enterprise features of Power BI.
Administrator on 18 Mar 2022 04:15:01
The preview is underway: DirectQuery for Power BI datasets and Azure Analysis Services (preview) | Microsoft Power BI Blog | Microsoft Power BI. Please try it and provide feedback.
- Comments (254)
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RE: Composite models when connected to AS models (PBI datasets and Azure Analysis Services)
This is a big limiting factor. I'm really trying to use PBI, but issues like this keep pushing me back to Tableau.
RE: Composite models when connected to AS models (PBI datasets and Azure Analysis Services)
I have to import millions and thousands of rows just so I can compute a Year from a date field..... Not ideal
RE: Composite models when connected to AS models (PBI datasets and Azure Analysis Services)
Any progess with the DQSM as whenever i try to enhance the datamodel we are asked to use 'upoad' mode and not DC.
RE: Composite models when connected to AS models (PBI datasets and Azure Analysis Services)
When dealing with large data sets this is a huge requirement.