Power BI
CompletedComposite models when connected to AS models (PBI datasets and Azure Analysis Services)
Sander A. on 25 Jul 2018 14:39:12
We really love the new feature of 'Composite Models' in the Power BI July 2018 update! This enables us to join custom lists with DirectQuery sources.
It would also be beneficial if this would also work when connected to SSAS Tabular in DirectQuery.
This would stronlgy improve the enterprise features of Power BI.
Administrator on 18 Mar 2022 04:15:01
The preview is underway: DirectQuery for Power BI datasets and Azure Analysis Services (preview) | Microsoft Power BI Blog | Microsoft Power BI. Please try it and provide feedback.
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RE: Composite models when connected to AS models (PBI datasets and Azure Analysis Services)
'Agreed. The ability to expose the base modelling features in PowerBI when connected to a live SSAS MD or tabular data source, are exactly what my current client need. Specifically:
- grouping / binning
- query multiple data sources
- add calculated members
RE: Composite models when connected to AS models (PBI datasets and Azure Analysis Services)
This is a much needed feature...really surprised that Power BI doesn't allow for this. We're in the processes of switching platforms for our dashboards from Excel to Power BI. In Excel we are able to set up multiple report connections, including SQL tables and cubes. However, with Power BI, we're finding this to be a challenge. This would be a great addition!!
RE: Composite models when connected to AS models (PBI datasets and Azure Analysis Services)
Definitely needed
RE: Composite models when connected to AS models (PBI datasets and Azure Analysis Services)
this is DEFINITELY needed! Very surprised it is not currently available
RE: Composite models when connected to AS models (PBI datasets and Azure Analysis Services)
I am very surprised this is not yet possible. We desperately need that feature.
RE: Composite models when connected to AS models (PBI datasets and Azure Analysis Services)
Totally agree this is a much-needed feature. I imagine one concern is about putting visuals from different sources on the same report, and the fact that there would be no interaction. I think this is a choice the report designer would have to make.
In Excel, I can add a slicer and a pivot from Data Source A, and another pivot from Data Source B. The slicer will not slice the pivot from B. I know that, and it's my responsibility to design my report to make that clear to my user. I think the same is true for Power BI - more important to have this feature and learn how to show intent through design, rather than not have it and lose critical functionality for the sake of keeping things simple.
RE: Composite models when connected to AS models (PBI datasets and Azure Analysis Services)
Good feature to add and very useful.
RE: Composite models when connected to AS models (PBI datasets and Azure Analysis Services)
Combining a live cube connection with data from other cubes or live connections, or other local data sources, has many immediate and obvious applications, and is something I and many others really miss in Power BI today!
RE: Composite models when connected to AS models (PBI datasets and Azure Analysis Services)
Being able connect to multiple data sources including live connections to live SSAS cubes (both multi dimensional and tabular) is in my opinion one of the most critical features currently missing from PBI. In a large organization where data and insights are available in many SSAS cubes this features would be like having the "holy grail" to enable virtual integration without having to rebuild measures or creating complex and unwarranted physical data integration steps.
RE: Composite models when connected to AS models (PBI datasets and Azure Analysis Services)
It would be a helpful feature. Needs to be considerate for the next releases.