Power BI
CompletedComposite models when connected to AS models (PBI datasets and Azure Analysis Services)
Sander A. on 25 Jul 2018 14:39:12
We really love the new feature of 'Composite Models' in the Power BI July 2018 update! This enables us to join custom lists with DirectQuery sources.
It would also be beneficial if this would also work when connected to SSAS Tabular in DirectQuery.
This would stronlgy improve the enterprise features of Power BI.
Administrator on 18 Mar 2022 04:15:01
The preview is underway: DirectQuery for Power BI datasets and Azure Analysis Services (preview) | Microsoft Power BI Blog | Microsoft Power BI. Please try it and provide feedback.
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RE: Composite models when connected to AS models (PBI datasets and Azure Analysis Services)
This is something that we would also love to see implemented. We're moving to start using SSAS and being able to blend that data in Power BI, or blend data from multiple cubes together is something we will really need.
RE: Composite models when connected to AS models (PBI datasets and Azure Analysis Services)
Should be added. Very useful feature
RE: Composite models when connected to AS models (PBI datasets and Azure Analysis Services)
'+2 to this. Not everything is just in one cube...
RE: Composite models when connected to AS models (PBI datasets and Azure Analysis Services)
'+1 to Sreedhar's suggestion:
a) To combine multiple SSAS data sources.
Say, if we are combining from two different Sales (platform, product, area) cubes and present as one single place like dashboard.
b) To combine SSAS and other data sources.
Say, if we have Sales Cube and may want to have SQL (lookup, category) tables i.e., Having a model on top of a Cube data in Power BI.
RE: Composite models when connected to AS models (PBI datasets and Azure Analysis Services)
Please, Waiting for this function, It is very useful
RE: Composite models when connected to AS models (PBI datasets and Azure Analysis Services)
Probably very complicated... But the possibility to enhance a centrally defined SSAS model would be lovely!! In the modeling section you could grey out ("read only") the parts of the SSAS model but allow additional relationships to it...
RE: Composite models when connected to AS models (PBI datasets and Azure Analysis Services)
we need this function
RE: Composite models when connected to AS models (PBI datasets and Azure Analysis Services)
RE: Composite models when connected to AS models (PBI datasets and Azure Analysis Services)
RE: Composite models when connected to AS models (PBI datasets and Azure Analysis Services)
This is one of the critical piece we feel is a must have, especially when we are moving towards self-service BI. In out organization, there are many biz users who want to mash the SSAS tabular model data with table(s) from other database or a spreadsheet for proto typing and lack of this feature is making them heavily dependent on IT and forcing us to rethink about the whole idea of using SSAS as a symantec layer. Please prioritize this vital feature.