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Export current theme as a Json file

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Siva Mani's profile image

Siva Mani on 11 Sep 2017 18:33:57

We have a wonderful option - switch theme to import theme as a JSON file.It would be great to have an export option to export current theme as a JSON file from a report.

Administrator on 24 Jul 2020 23:07:50

We have completed this idea!

You can read about it in our documentation.

Comments (41)
Siva Mani's profile image Profile Picture

Ryan on 05 Jul 2020 23:46:04

RE: Export current theme as a Json file

Thank you Anonymous! It worked for me as well.

"Anonymous commented · October 05, 2017 17:41
Nice to have for the lazy people. But think of your pbix file as a zip file. Simply rename, unzip and extract your json ;-) Works for me."

Siva Mani's profile image Profile Picture

Power BI User on 05 Jul 2020 23:45:35

RE: Export current theme as a Json file

If you can import it then you should be able to export it...don't see why it wasn't in the original design.

Siva Mani's profile image Profile Picture

Larissa on 05 Jul 2020 23:44:32

RE: Export current theme as a Json file

This is a great idea and I have so much use for the potential of this option.

Siva Mani's profile image Profile Picture

B D on 05 Jul 2020 23:39:56

RE: Export current theme as a Json file

I am struggling with 12 pie charts I have and I have to show same 5 columns in different numbers and to show a different custom colours' theme than default for each of them with a single colour profile is proving a challenge. Power BI is turning to be headache any sort of advanced reporting. Been working with many tools for 9 years and this is the first time a tool proves to be a problem than rather being a solution.

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Jed Hansen on 05 Jul 2020 23:37:46

RE: Export current theme as a Json file

Even if it is not possible to export the configuration for all visuals as a single theme, at least create the ability to export JSON from single visuals which could be collated into your preferred default Theme. Working 'backwards' from existing JSON syntax is easier and it makes working on smaller portions easier, as well.

Using the .zip hack works, but, exporting the configurations from individual visuals in JSON would be a better solution and would allow for mixing and matching from different theme 'parts'.

Siva Mani's profile image Profile Picture

Alex Xavier on 05 Jul 2020 23:35:28

RE: Export current theme as a Json file

This would be great. I would like to see this feature as a "Bake Current Theme" option that allows us to save the JSON file wherever we want to and I would like it if the bakes theme picked the first visual of each type in the current file and created the format based on the options in that item. As well as page options, data colors, etc. A stretch goal would be for pre assigned data colors, so that if I assign "USA" as blue and "Russia" as red before I bake the file the theme would save that preference and assign the colors to their respective values

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Darren Storey on 05 Jul 2020 23:34:50

RE: Export current theme as a Json file

duplicate of

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Victor Vink on 05 Jul 2020 23:34:50

RE: Export current theme as a Json file

Would we wonderful to have this, and makes it easier to roll out standard formats / colors and reporting themes throughout the organization and in organization style

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John on 05 Jul 2020 23:31:02

RE: Export current theme as a Json file

changing to .zip file and getting .json theme did not transfer changes made to tables, such as grid lines on and color black.

Siva Mani's profile image Profile Picture

Jonathan on 05 Jul 2020 23:30:12

RE: Export current theme as a Json file

Once you have created a report, and taken many hours to manually formatted colors, fonts, grids, charts, cards and other visuals, allow for those settings to be exported as a theme (JSON file) that you can use use it in other reports.