Krishna Prasad Sankar on 05 Dec 2014 01:33:07
Please add GANTT Charts to the list of visuals
- Comments (69)
RE: Gannt charts
i lkike the simplicity of this gantt chart.. but.... is there a way to control the legend colors? I have a list of projects and I want to show them by a status each status has a specific color. I also cannot seem to order the list of projects, I want to order them by start date, or end date
RE: Gannt charts
Is there anyway to get the pbviz for this? Or will it pop into the regular portal soon?
RE: Gannt charts
Is there a way to change the legend colors?
RE: Gannt charts
Just a note on the new custom visual provided, the column holding the task name must be called [Task Name] or [Task] else the visual won't render, slight bug but otherwise seems to work well, cheers
RE: Gannt charts
Just received a download link to the gannt visual chart. Thx:)
RE: Gannt charts
As you started on this visual Nov 20, 2015 it would be nice to now when it may be expected delivered
RE: Gannt charts
We need this now!
RE: Gannt charts
Is there any update on this graphs implementation date? For me, and many others it will be such a beneficial visual.
RE: Gannt charts
Voting yes...
RE: Gannt charts
Something I'd like to use to show start/end dates for projects as I can do in Excel