- Comments (12)
RE: organize personal bookmarks
RE: organize personal bookmarks
This would be helpful. When you add a new bookmark it ends at the end of the list. Would be nice to be able to arrange them.
RE: organize personal bookmarks
Yes...the ability to rearrange bookmarks seems like it would have been considered and implemented by the designers when the feature was first introduced into Power BI. No one is perfect (Microsoft should know this) and ideas come "as they come" and are not always in the correct or obvious order when first creating your bookmark list. One needs the ability to "drag and drop" an idea within a created list into its final nesting place...one that makes sense within the context of the workflow. So please Microsoft, open up this feature in Power BI. Like Kinky Friedman's "post George W Bush" campaign slogan when running for Governor in the State of Texas..."How Hard Can It Be?"
RE: organize personal bookmarks
Definitely needed! As well as more personal bookmarks available (currently limited to 20) for the users
RE: organize personal bookmarks
Hi, this is a much requested feature by the users in our organization and is already available at report level:
Can this also become available for personal bookmarks please?
RE: organize personal bookmarks
This is frequently requested in our organization.
RE: organize personal bookmarks
This would be a great feature!
RE: organize personal bookmarks
this would be very helpful for us
RE: organize personal bookmarks
This would definitely aid my dept as we use bookmarks heavily.
RE: organize personal bookmarks
This would be most helpful! It has been requested by our users on many occasions