Really necessary
Add search option Ctrl+f in advance editor
Same issue with a customer for which we had to do some customizations. Should be part of the base app.
Nearly a year later and this is still "New" I have customers using projects and they want to plan based on Project Usage and there is no easy way to do this. I don't think any of the AI forecasting tools provided for BC take into account projects, just sales. This really doesn't help anyone.
Any news on this topic here? This is a fundamental functionality.
Currently, the behavior for msdynmkt_marketingform leads to unintended opt-out actions in opt-in only forms, which affects user experience and subscription accuracy.ScenarioImagine a user already subscribed to several topics visits our website to opt into a new topic. However, because they’re not logged in, we can’t pre-check topics they’re already subscribed to. When they submit the form to opt into the new topic, any topics they didn't select in the form are automatically set to "opt-out," which they didn’t intend to do.This is problematic in cases where the form is designed solely for opt-in. Users expect to add new subscriptions without impacting their current ones, but this form's default behavior assumes unchecked topics should be opted out.Expected BehaviorFor opt-in only forms, the form should allow users to add new topic subscriptions without affecting their current subscriptions. Specifically:If a user selects a topic, they should be opted into it.If a topic is left unchecked, it should leave the user's existing subscription status unchanged (neither opting in nor out).Suggested SolutionIntroduce an option in msdynmkt_marketingform configuration to select "Opt-in Only Mode." This mode would:Preserve existing subscriptions when a user submits the form without selecting a particular topic.Only modify the subscription status for topics that users explicitly select.
Suggest to add a vendor-facing version of the Inbound Load Workbench to the VCP module with proper data filter (vendor should only see its own PO's to add lines to a new or existing load). Suggest to include ASN (packing information/SSCC code) and dock appointment functionality as well..
As an enterprise application developer we wanted to have SSO to the Power BI Service from our product to Power BI Service using our identity provider (which is used by our application to managed authentication). To achieve this we have set up a custom SAML identity provider for a workforce tenant in Entra ID.We have identified that we need to invite guests to the workforce tenant and configure our Identity Provider as a custom provider in Entra ID. The workforce tenant type is the only tenant type where Power BI Service is available for SSO, so we registered the provider there. Custom identity providers use domains to bind users to specific providers. Invited guest users that come from our application can have emails from any domain, as it is supported by our Identity service. Thus, we cannot specify only a single federation domain for this provider. Entra ID provider configuration requires specifying every single domain used with the provider. After following documentation and configuration steps the option to log in with a custom provider never appears on the Power BI Service login screen, even when using the tenanted URL (the URL available on Power BI Service to direct users to specific Power BI Service tenant) or using ‘Login with organization’ form (where we specify the custom identity provider domain). Can we have a way to configure custom SAML identity provider in Entra ID to be the only and default provider for all invited guest users? Can we have a way to configure custom OIDC identity provider in Entra ID for a workforce tenant? OIDC is preferred and widespread protocol today.Can we have a way to directly configure Power BI Service with custom identity provider (SAML/OIDC) for SSO, as it is available today in Microsoft Power Pages?
Please implement this Microsoft.