Power BI allows for some really powerful customized report/dashboard design. Unfortunately, this limitation of locally installed fonts only makes it impossible to deliver the design I envision. Most standard fonts are ugly and unfortunately that's all we get to work with. Please remove this limitation and allow us to use web fonts.
I could not believe this was not a bug but a missing feature for almost 10 years.Very counterintuitive and bothersome when you have your duration data pristine in Power Query but in order to present that in a report you have to create complex and error prone dax code.
Please support relative paths; this is such a hinderance to acceptance of this application in the workplace!
+ this idea
+ this idea
+ this
Fully agree, this is a neccessary feature to be able to be able to offer a true multilingual Power BI report.
This is a standard requirement and would save significant time in terms of testing and data model changes
Expected behavior but bad user experience. I rather consider it as a bug as it already behaved differently in the past.