This is business needs as in each sales contract, the sales price incorporate different BU's revenue and hence we have to apportion the revenue for the respective BU the correct measurement of their profitability. Without the customisation, we have to manually pass a Free text debit and credit note to apportion the revenue. This takes up lots of time and the reporting of revenue is lagging as we have to wait for the posting of Free text debit and credit note.
there's 50 other ideas like this. if they merged them they'd probably get enough votes
Is not a rejection, but is a limit . . .SKU Guardrail: Limit the burstable SKU escalation to a maximum
Completely agree with this and for as much praise as I have given PowerBi in the last 7 years the one thing I always have to scratch my head about is the lack of an easy to use, clean, presentable and flexible gantt chart tool available. Especially when Microsoft Owns Microsoft Project, Project Online, Project for the web, Planner, Tasks, etc. So much potential here for a simple and flexible solution. Suggest the team looks at 3rd party tools for inspiration such as Office Timeline Plus, OnePager Pro and Thinkcell for some advanced features. My "off the top of my head" wish list: I want to be able to add a row to this chart based off of a name of something and then group that row by another fieldI want to be able to create swimlanesI want to be able to just add a start and end date to the visual to create the bar itselfI want to be able to filter the view for a specific window (e.g., this year) or have it start from "today"I want to be able to add text that will be inside or outside the bar (like a data label) and have this text be anything I want. (Dollar total amount, Resource name)I want the bar color to be able to be calculated (e.g., RAG status) or flexible and set by the visual or categories in the visualI want robust control of the bar settings (height, colors, rounding vs. square, etc.)I want to be able to call out milestones using a singular date field and a singular name field and then control whether these are a symbol or a drill down under the rowThe left table should be almost as robust as the matrix visual so that you can drill down into details
My last two clients have both needed this functionality as well and used enhancements to achieve it.
We found a workaround, which is horrible. Incidentally, the suggestion value would read better as "is in the current or previous' [3] [Years].From the DateValue filter, select Date Filters::Between Click (Advanced) Click [Add Clause] Click back to (Basic) Select [is in the previous] [2] [Years] (or) [is in year] [This Year] (or) [is in the next] [1] [Years] Read the conditions to make sure the logic is what you want Click [OK] and “Close & Apply” on the top left of the toolbar
PowerBI currently times out connections in less than 15seconds. Please increase this timeout to 30 seconds, or use the property provided in the ODBC connection string!
In addition to cancelling if it doesn't receive the data in the desired time limit, the refresh fails if the datasource doesn't connect in less than 15 seconds. I believe the default for ODBC is 30 seconds, and they even have retry capabilities built into the ODBC driver. Don't bother trying to use them, PowerBI Ignores those properties. :(
Yes! My ODBC datasource takes more than 15sec to connect sometimes and PowerBI gives up on the connection way too soon. I am using the PowerBI Gateway and tried to adjust the timeout in the connection string, but PowerBI appears to ignore the connection timeout and doesn't even wait the default 30 seconds. Talking to powerBI support their solution was, make your datasource connect faster.My ask is that PowerBI follow industry standards and let us set the connection timeout or at least wait 30 seconds.
@Administrator: Great to see this on Road map, but can it be backed with an ETA ?If response time from suggestion to getting on the roadmap, I can fear that time to delivery will the same or even worse. Any consideration to create option to create connection a 3rd party DAM system ?