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on 18 Oct 2024 22:25:25


Add to Card checking on Blank values and setting some custom values e.t. 0
Now we must create special measures with IF(ISBLANK..
But it makes 0-values fields

's profile image Profile Picture

on 18 Oct 2024 22:19:21


Currently, the URL hyperlink icon is locked to being blue. It'd be great if I had control over this color, and could change it to whatever I like to match the visual style of my report.

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on 18 Oct 2024 22:16:16


Right now we can only use trend lines for continuous values in the x axis. It would be great if a categorical value could also be used, such as month name.

's profile image Profile Picture

on 18 Oct 2024 22:10:57


Please add the capability to disable table column header sorting in Power BI dashboard.

's profile image Profile Picture

on 18 Oct 2024 21:56:33


Option to allow dynamic axes on charts - allow an option in chart setup to allow the axies to change dynamically based on the values within - the start and end of an axis are fixed, despite values changing when filters are applied

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on 18 Oct 2024 21:51:16


Text attributes can be 'searched' within report slicers. However, integers cannot. For example, if someone wants to quickly find and slice by a Customer Id, it is very cumbersome right now - lots of scrolling. A simple search by Customer Id (as an integer) within the slicer would make it much faster and a better user experience

's profile image Profile Picture

on 18 Oct 2024 21:47:28


Headers should be removable in table.

's profile image Profile Picture

on 18 Oct 2024 21:33:50


In a multi rows card allow for the following
1. Increase no of Columns
2. Change orientation (Vertical / Horizontal)
3. Label (instead of only the measure name)
4. Format numbers individually

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on 18 Oct 2024 21:29:45


Now we start and end point in the axis, It would be great if we have Interval between the start and End value
For eg: 0 is my start and 100 is my End means , I explicitly what the interval is 9, so that I can see my axis drawn like 0,9,18,27...99.

's profile image Profile Picture

on 18 Oct 2024 21:25:37


We often have columns or measures that we want to be formatted the same in EVERY report tab in EVERY visual the same way. There is no universal method to format a measure in every visual in a report. We have to go into each visual on each report tab and do the exact same field formatting (colors, etc.) in each visual. We would like there to be a Universal option.

And, you know what will come next? :-) No doubt, somebody will want the formatting to be report wide EXCEPT for one single visual somewhere. Is that possible too?