You can discard this one -- 3.2 has been in GA after this idea was posted.
Hi, is there any update on this topic?
hello, is there any update?
By "then" I meant of course, "thin". :)
Assuming this is in the Desktop app, this is needed as there is a bug at the moment where sometimes the imported query or calculated table is miles away from all of the other tables in model view, where usually you can drag and drop fields onto each other to set up a relationship, this makes this impossible. To drag the table back to the main collection of tables takes about 45 minutes and is causing huge issues when building out data models.
Assuming this is in the Desktop app, this is needed as there is a bug at the moment where sometimes the imported query or calculated table is miles away from all of the other tables in model view, where usually you can drag and drop fields onto each other to set up a relationship, this makes this impossible. To drag the table back to the main collection of tables takes about 45 minutes and is causing huge issues when building out data models.
Assuming this is in the Desktop app, this is needed as there is a bug at the moment where sometimes the imported query or calculated table is miles away from all of the other tables in model view, where usually you can drag and drop fields onto each other to set up a relationship, this makes this impossible. To drag the table back to the main collection of tables takes about 45 minutes and is causing huge issues when building out data models.
Any Update?
Very much needed for exclusive events and for events that have limited participants and you want the most important customers to have a seat.
That would be a game changer, no more mails if you say: no I cannot participate on this date (as I am maybe on vacation).