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on 07 Oct 2024 11:39:06


It should be possible to choose if a Form updates Opt-outs (only Opt-ins) when used as subscription forms.Currently Forms always update consent, if added onto the form - either as opt-in or opt-out.Example: We have setup preference centers with topics like; Newsletters, Event invitations, Surveys.These are options that an end user can subscribe to from our website.Person A subscribes to topic: Newsletters on the Form on our website.Their contact point consent will update as follows: Newsletters Opt-in, Event invitations Opt-out, Surveys Opt-out.A moment later, they decide to also subscribe to Event invitations and navigate back, selects only Event invitations (because on the previous submit). Their contact point consent will update as follows; Newsletters Opt-out, Event invitations Opt-in, Surveys Opt-out.Also, there might be scenarios where on Forms we would like to promote our newsletters "You might be interested in our monthly newsletters in following topics; A, B, C". But this is now impossible, because even if the end customer had previously subscripbed to one of these topics, new Form submit will set these topics to Opt-out (if not always manually opted in on forms).To me, Opt-outs should always happen in Subscription Center/ Preference Center forms, where End user can actually see their current selection. If this is not the case for everybody, it should at least be a selection on the Form whether it updates Opt-outs or not.

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on 07 Oct 2024 11:39:06


Below I have listed a Business use case in which I have noticed a profound problem:1. I create a marketing form with a purpose and an associated topic2. I submit the marketing form and click on the purpose and the topic → Output: Purpose is opted-in, Topic is opted-in3. I submit another marketing form that also contains the same purpose and the same topic, but only click on the purpose (topic unchecked) → Output: Purpose is opted-in, Topic is opted-out (updated from opted-in without an unsubscribe)Problem: although consent has already been given, it is automatically withdrawn by submitting a form with the same topic, even though there is no active unsubscribe. This in turn can lead to opt-ins being lost, even though they still want to receive communication. (e.g. in a contact form where a newsletter checkbox is optional) Usually if contacts do not want to receive any emails, they would actively unsubscribe from the communication via the unsubscribe link in the mail in the Preference Center. Now, the consent is changed via every form submission regardless of wether it is a subscription center form or a marketing form that contains the same topics, which I see as a logical error.Desired functionality: When submitting a marketing form, it should be checked whether an opt-in already exists for the unchecked purposes/topics provided. If there is an opt-in, this should remain in place or at least there should be the possibility for users to prevent automatically opt-out the contact when not checking the checkbox. An opt-out should only be generated by an unsubscribe of a purposes/topics in the Preference Center.

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Imane Ait Allal on 07 Oct 2024 10:53:20


Hi ,Is there any update ?Regards,

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on 07 Oct 2024 10:47:36


We need a form, where the customer can order information material, either by email or mail/post.
Depending on the selection in the dropdown (email or mail/post) the either the field "email" or "shipping address" should be visible.

I was able to hide the mail fields when loading the form with this code:
MsCrmMkt.MsCrmFormLoader.on('afterFormLoad', function(event) {
document.getElementById('postanschrift').style.display= 'none';

However the I cannot trigger a function upon changing the dropdown. The following code does not work:

document.getElementById('696494fc-72e0-ea11-a813-000d3a387ed9').onchange = function() {
document.getElementById('postanschrift').style.display= 'block';

(the ID of the dropdown is correct!)

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on 07 Oct 2024 10:47:35


Forms with intelligence: Like surveys: Depending on the answers of previous questions, extra questions show up on form.

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on 07 Oct 2024 10:47:35


It would be great if we could add fields that use conditional logic. This way you can make sure certain fields are only shown when another field (in my case a lookup field) is filled in or when the user has selected a specific value.

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on 07 Oct 2024 10:47:34


When information is known or submitted by a Contact/Lead, ask for other information. For example, we ask "Do you find this page helpful?" - if the Contact/Lead has already answered this question, ask another like "Do you have any feedback?"

Based on the Forum discussion here - it says this is in the roadmap, but when?

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Christian Lang on 07 Oct 2024 10:22:23


Is there a processing status for this bug / feature? 

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Sebastian Koch on 07 Oct 2024 09:26:53


That would be needed by one of our customers as well.

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Sebastian Koch on 07 Oct 2024 08:42:42


Hi there, are there any updates on this? I can not find the feature in the mentioned release plans. Thx for keepng us uptodate. Sebastian