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Anne-Marie Gebbink on 10 Oct 2024 08:01:47


Totally agree. We really would like to be able to only use Data Factory in the future, instead of having to use other 3rd party orchestration tools as we are forced to do currently, because Data Factory is lacking scheduling functionality.

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Benno Koger on 10 Oct 2024 07:35:47


It is quite silly that his is not yet a thing. As a developer it is an annoying feature to be missing. You could have the default behavior that is now in place (for some reason you guys stated this is by design) and only when the default page is locked in a specific report that the default behavior is circumvented.Make it easy and enjoyable to develop dashboard, not annoying as some of these design choices are now, this would increase the number of developers preferring Power BI..

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Hussain Iqbal on 10 Oct 2024 06:57:11


Huge setback that the LinkedIn integration has not been prioritized in RealTime.

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Carolyn Issaia on 10 Oct 2024 06:54:00


This is something that i am also looking for. Please put it on your roadmap.

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Nitin Shamkant Bagate on 10 Oct 2024 06:41:10


Yes, a configurable parameter will be a great solution. Because, allowing the POs which are in workflow will help analyst/planner to see the correct demand/supply relations.

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Eknath Pandurang Pawar on 10 Oct 2024 06:40:54


 Please FastTrack this development, I am sure it will be required in many other clients.

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Shannon Davis on 09 Oct 2024 20:54:46


I just today had to explain to a customer service manager that the only way to see the comments was to open up the system view and look at the data in its unformatted state, in this case he was looking for the comments. Yes, it would be great if this data was in system views, and exportable, for teams that are doing their own reporting.

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Matthew Adams on 09 Oct 2024 20:08:04


+1 to this! Being able to set up an API role for PowerBI reporting and assign an API client ID and API client secret would be a big win for my org's usage needs.

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Murtaza Ul Hasan on 09 Oct 2024 19:54:17


This should already been implemented :(

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Genna Strauss LaFrance on 09 Oct 2024 16:14:39


HIGHLY BENEFICIAL:We have a mess of gateways and no ideas of what all is in use. It seems like we have 5+ instances of Gateways to the exact same locations, the only differences are capitalization or spaces etc. However, we can't clean them up when we don't know what is using them.