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Florian Dietrich on 02 Oct 2024 12:04:09


This would be fantastic!

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on 02 Oct 2024 11:26:54


Please bring back email heat mapping in real time marketing. Without it we now have to build segments for links to check email performance.

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on 02 Oct 2024 11:06:34


We have ''View in Browser' link in Outbound Marketing. It would be great if we can add 'View in Browser ' link in emails in Real Time marketing as well.Thanks,Fariha

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on 02 Oct 2024 10:45:13


Hi Microsoft team,My team and I are working with customer insights journeys and it would be a great improvement if you could create a "clone" button in the navigation bar, to duplicate an email template on real-time journeys. As you know, now we can only copy part of the email or use the content block, but not the entire email template with his attributes and properties which would be nice.Thank you very much for your support and help to make dynamics 365 user friendly.Christian

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on 02 Oct 2024 10:45:13


In any other marketing automation tool I've worked in, you're able to duplicate content blocks. This seems like a basic feature that was overlooked. For example, I have to make about 11 content blocks that will share the same text formatting. I shouldn't have to start anew for each one.

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on 02 Oct 2024 10:43:36


Currently, when you make a change to a Content Block - those changes will only apply to new communications. We would like the changes to be applied to existing communications using that Content Block. Here is an example: We use a Content Block to display legal information required by our company. When that legal information changes, we do not want to go back and update every single communication using that content block. We want to update the content block once and have it update every communication using it.

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Jenna Hayward on 02 Oct 2024 09:27:42


Implementing this feature is vital for us, we can't use the reports as they are as we need to search for thousands of values within the filters. Please can the request be taken seriously. Thank you

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Julieta Arenoso on 02 Oct 2024 08:54:27


Hi! In one week I get asked for this feature by two different customers.. It has been a great loss.

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Jon Wright on 02 Oct 2024 08:09:06


Totally bonkers that this is not available. How can we expected to transition from Outbound when you can't even do simple things like QA your audience segments.

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Money Kash on 02 Oct 2024 07:31:59


Chh us immediately by email jdhdu pooch