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Ben Johnson on 17 Sep 2024 07:04:02


this is a huge problem for us.... confusing to our customers. and the date can reflect the report update and/or the actually underlying data update..... please turn off for individual reports!!!!

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Anant Dubey on 17 Sep 2024 05:02:04


Link - has introduced a new feature called "Configure POS Self-Checkout Register" in version 10.0.40.By enabling this feature, retailers can now utilize Microsoft’s built-in self-checkout functionality on Kiosk POS systems. This has been a highly anticipated update, as many users have been waiting for this capability.However, an existing feature in POS, which allows users to click on the "Amount Due" link from the "Total" panel to display all available payment tenders, has presented an issue for the Self-Checkout setup. While this behavior is intended for normal POS counters, it poses a problem for Self-Checkout kiosks, which should only support "Card" and "Loyalty" payments, but not "Cash" payments.Currently, there is no way to restrict certain payment tenders specifically for Self-Checkout kiosks, especially in stores that have both regular POS counters and Self-Checkout kiosks. As a result, customers can still make cash payments at the Self-Checkout, which is not ideal and creates a loophole in the system.

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Frithjof Aarrestad Vassbø on 16 Sep 2024 18:19:55


Related idea:

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Frithjof Aarrestad Vassbø on 16 Sep 2024 18:13:27


The linked refresh behaviour leads to data in a transformation dataflow getting out of sync if there are two parallell staging dataflows (which is a common setup). I really wish there was an option to disable linked refresh.

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Doris Johnson on 16 Sep 2024 16:40:50


@Microsoft Any Idea when this is going to be implemented?

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AC Petr J on 16 Sep 2024 15:41:42


Czech Republic:The Handbook for Intrastat is used for reporting the movement of goods across borders between the Czech Republic and other member states of the European Community.There are 2 options method of reporting:See Page 23:According to Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2020/1197 of 30 July 2020, the reference period for which data are reported to Intrastat is the relevant calendar month:1.   in which the goods were exported from the Czech Republic to another Member Stateor imported into the Czech Republic from another Member State, or2.   in which a taxable transaction relating to Union goods has taken place, in which the tax liability arises in respect of the acquisition and supply of goods within the Union. However, if the time lag between the import or export of goods and the taxable supply is longer than two calendar months, the reference period is the month in which the import or export took place.

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AC Petr J on 16 Sep 2024 15:41:11


This applies in the Slovakia and the Czech Republic. It is mandatory in Slovakia and optional in the Czech Republic. Slovak Republik:You can see and They are from The Statistical office of the Slovak Republik. Unfortunately they are only in Slovak. I have translated the important part.SK:Odsek 3 – ObdobieSledovaným obdobím je kalendárny mesiac, v ktorom bol tovar dovezený do Slovenskej republiky z iného členského štátu Európskej únie alebo z územia Severného Írska. Ak je tovar predmetom obchodnej operácie, ktorá je nadobudnutím tovaru v tuzemsku z iného členského štátu podľa platného zákona o DPH, sledovaným obdobím je kalendárny mesiac, v ktorom vznikla daňová povinnosť podľa tohto zákona. Ak medzi vznikom daňovej povinnosti a dovozom tovaru uplynú viac ako 2 kalendárne mesiace, sledovaným obdobím je kalendárny mesiac, v ktorom bol tovar dovezený.EN:Section 3 – PeriodThe monitored period is the calendar month in which the goods were imported to the Slovak Republicfrom another member state of the European Union or from the territory of Northern Ireland.If the goods are the subject of a business operation, which is the acquisition of goods in the country from anothermember state in accordance with the applicable VAT Act, the monitored period is the calendar month in whichthe tax liability arose according to this Act. If more than 2 calendar months elapse between the occurrence of the tax liability and the importation of the goods, the monitored period is the calendar month in which the goods were imported.

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Frédéric DELBECQ on 16 Sep 2024 14:59:01


Totally agree! The same issue is relevant in all other EU countries.

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Yuri Mishin on 16 Sep 2024 14:38:21


See workaround here.

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Sebastien Misson on 16 Sep 2024 14:33:15


Oh yes.It would be great !