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Jennifer Russell on 16 Oct 2024 19:59:25


agreed and upvoted!

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Christof von Rabenau on 16 Oct 2024 19:07:57


I couldn't agree more with this frustration. Even when using the tenant ID to connect, there still seems to be some leakage from the user's parent organizational workspace (e.g., Connections appear even when on the client tenant). Often, refreshes end up pulling the user back to the parent workspace, as well. It makes supporting clients less than ideal without asking them to create an internal user account, leading to its own challenges.

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Thuy Pham on 16 Oct 2024 17:07:39


A must-have feature for retailers.

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Nicolas Saar on 16 Oct 2024 15:57:02


Would be great if those improvements would be available for both lakehouse & warehouse destinations... as currently in the copy activity with a lakehouse destination I can at least choose between "append" and "overwrite" whereas with a warehouse destination I do not have this option and need to use a pre-copy script in order to truncate the destination table for example.

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Cezary Wiak on 16 Oct 2024 15:40:29


Hey Power BI team, get your act together and finally implement this useful and simple feature!!!

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Christian Lang on 16 Oct 2024 15:35:16


This is still very much needed. The barcode scanning to apply a filter works great. We just need the same scanner to be able to read QR codes as well.

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Greg Jones on 16 Oct 2024 15:17:11


Agreed. This is super difficult for partners to work efficiently across multiple clients. Also, orgs with multi-tenant environment.

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Brian Fletcher on 16 Oct 2024 14:58:32


The current functionality of removing the email record is a large efficiency loss for my team and a setback as we migrate to the Dynamics platform. It does not build confidence in the use of a new CRM system when a 20 year old, outdated platform allows more functionality.

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Brandon Bird on 16 Oct 2024 14:51:13


In an ideal scenario, customers would be able to generate an embed token via API for a report using a DirectLake dataset using either a service principal and master user using the{{workspace_id}}/reports/{{report_id}}/generatetoken or endpoints.

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Kristyna Petruzelova on 16 Oct 2024 14:43:35


will this be taken into consideration any time soon?