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Tool tip for Specific Column in matrix/Table

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Amit Vikram's profile image

Amit Vikram on 28 Nov 2018 17:49:05

There should be an option to enable custom tool tip for specific column of Matrix or Table.

Currently for given row same Tooltip is visible for all columns in matrix and table visualisation.

And block the view of the report.

Comments (42)
Amit Vikram's profile image Profile Picture

Rijin Chakkatil on 17 Jun 2021 10:51:53

RE: Tool tip for Specific Column in matrix/Table

Any comments ? Anyone facing the same issues or have such requirements

Amit Vikram's profile image Profile Picture

VIVEK D on 24 May 2021 16:24:26

RE: Tool tip for Specific Column in matrix/Table

Yes. The tooltip is useful but unusable in it's current form in a table/matrix. Would be really nice if we can specify exactly what columns the tooltip should apply to else it just starts showing up continuously as we are moving the cursor across the table and gets extremely annoying.

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Christopher Crance on 11 Feb 2021 21:02:45

RE: Tool tip for Specific Column in matrix/Table

Yes, absolutely agree. I have tried to implement something like this on several reports and each time I remember that this is not supported. I would appreciate this functionality on the *Table* visual (not the Matrix). Some users seem to have found a way to do this (or something similar) with their specific data sets using the Matrix visual, however, the Matrix and the Table visuals are not equal and interchangeable and the solution of "just change it to a Matrix" is not helpful.

At any rate, I agree, adding the ability to limit the scope of a tooltip to a single (or multiple) columns (or rows?) would be incredibly useful, and is something that some users have requested dating back to at least 2018.

Amit Vikram's profile image Profile Picture

Power BI User on 06 Jul 2020 00:16:59

RE: Tool tip for Specific Column in matrix/Table

Our use case is to use the measure as the tooltip and a much more simple heading for the user to read more quickly. We have many similar measure being used in slightly different ways. Upper management have a deeper interest in what the measure is exactly, but lower level users just need the simple version.

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Sam Richards on 06 Jul 2020 00:15:07

RE: Tool tip for Specific Column in matrix/Table

I would love to have this...was kinda surprised it was not available.

Amit Vikram's profile image Profile Picture

NAga on 06 Jul 2020 00:09:12

RE: Tool tip for Specific Column in matrix/Table

Need this feature badly, at present all the columns are showing off the same tool tip

Amit Vikram's profile image Profile Picture

diego on 06 Jul 2020 00:02:32

RE: Tool tip for Specific Column in matrix/Table

It would be an awesome tool for table/matrix. And I think it is somethink easy to do.

Amit Vikram's profile image Profile Picture

Yuran on 05 Jul 2020 23:59:58

RE: Tool tip for Specific Column in matrix/Table

Use Matrix to replicate Table could solve your problem. Table for some reason doesn't support auto detect measures for custom tooltip.

Amit Vikram's profile image Profile Picture

Des d on 05 Jul 2020 23:58:40

RE: Tool tip for Specific Column in matrix/Table

'+1 I would like to restrict tooltip to one or selected column(s) in a table. Otherwise, the tooltip is too much if it appears across all columns and blocks view of the report.

Amit Vikram's profile image Profile Picture

Andreas S. on 05 Jul 2020 23:58:04

RE: Tool tip for Specific Column in matrix/Table

I'd like to show a Drilldown of the matrix in the tooltip into another dimension. Every Matrix column is based on another measures. In the tooltip I need to decide for one measure, what I'm looking for would be the flexibility to add a kind of wildcard is is filled with the respective measure while hovering over the respective matrix columns.

Merged Idea (8)