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Vertical and horizontal multiples (Small Multiples/Trellis)

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Alexander Lyskovets on 14 Sep 2015 20:22:51

As it is realized in Power View for Excel. THNX!

Administrator on 17 Dec 2020 21:56:39

This was just released in preview: Announcing Small Multiples (preview) | Microsoft Power BI Blog | Microsoft Power BI

Comments (104)
Alexander Lyskovets's profile image Profile Picture

Terry on 16 Aug 2020 04:07:51

RE: Vertical and horizontal multiples (Small Multiples/Trellis)

Absolutely agree!!! Power BI has to have this capability.

Alexander Lyskovets's profile image Profile Picture

John-Paul Thompson on 16 Aug 2020 04:07:47

RE: Vertical and horizontal multiples (Small Multiples/Trellis)

An external consultancy I'm working with produced some sample output in Tableau. The dynamic trellis function is really well implemented and scales nicely to the page and looks really good. Onlt having Tableau reader, I tried to replicate in both Power BI and QlikView. Qlikview has this capability, but it is impossible to get make a usable visualistaion. Power Bi appears not to have this capability at all. This is a something that is urgently needed to make Power BI a real contender.

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Brett Burkhart on 16 Aug 2020 04:07:23

RE: Vertical and horizontal multiples (Small Multiples/Trellis)

MS drives me nuts with stuff like this. “All the functionality you are use to plus much much more! However, you can’t (insert something important I use all the time)”

It’s driving me insane

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David on 16 Aug 2020 04:07:21

RE: Vertical and horizontal multiples (Small Multiples/Trellis)

Please look at implementing this. Killer feature that Tableau has over PBI

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Haidong Zhang on 16 Aug 2020 04:02:25

RE: Vertical and horizontal multiples (Small Multiples/Trellis)

You can use Infographic Designer, a custom visual that supports small multiples!

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Power BI User on 16 Aug 2020 04:02:22

RE: Vertical and horizontal multiples (Small Multiples/Trellis)

One of the must effective visualizations recommended by dataviz profs

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Jake on 16 Aug 2020 04:02:22

RE: Vertical and horizontal multiples (Small Multiples/Trellis)

Hi all, here is a tutorial I wrote on Small Multiples in Power BI:

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Steven Kienle on 16 Aug 2020 04:02:04

RE: Vertical and horizontal multiples (Small Multiples/Trellis)

I'm having to drop into R to produce some of the visualizations my customers want, but then I lose drill down, which is a pretty big lost. Power BI really needs this.

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Roland on 16 Aug 2020 04:01:46

RE: Vertical and horizontal multiples (Small Multiples/Trellis)

absolute must have, if you want to do serious information design, I would love to see this sooner than later!

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Alberto on 16 Aug 2020 04:01:12

RE: Vertical and horizontal multiples (Small Multiples/Trellis)

If you are serious after going after Tableau, this is a must-have. I hope this is a top priority in your roadmap. Please...