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DAX calculations at visual level of reports

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Marco Russo's profile image

Marco Russo on 22 May 2020 15:48:20

Provide a simple way to write formulas that work with the data displayed in a visual. For example, the running total of a measure in a table or in a chart according to the sort order of the visual should be something like this:

Running Total = ReportData[Sales] + PREVIOUS ( ReportData[Running Total] )

Where ReportData is the content of the current visual, Sales and Running Total are the names of the columns in the current visual. The user is not expected to know the model content, the calculation can be executed on top of any data currently being displayed.

More details about a proposal for visual calculations in DAX here:

Jeroen ter Heerdt (administrator) on 20 Feb 2024 22:23:33

Visual calculations are in preview since February 2024:


Update 10/17: This is now in our upcoming roadmap and we will share more details in the coming months.

March 2022 update: We are planning to support this, but we currently do not have a timeline

Comments (68)
Marco Russo's profile image Profile Picture

Andrey Reznik on 16 Dec 2020 07:17:40

RE: DAX calculations at visual level of reports

Calculations used in visuals would greatly improve performance of DQ mode as there wouldn't be need to go to database for each and every derived calculation.

Marco Russo's profile image Profile Picture

Lou Cosper on 23 Oct 2020 23:24:18

RE: DAX calculations at visual level of reports

This would be a fabulously huge visual solution.

Marco Russo's profile image Profile Picture

Roy Alcalde on 28 Jul 2020 13:24:03

RE: DAX calculations at visual level of reports

I really like this idea, this will give better separation of the reporting model measures versus the semantic model calculations or measure

Marco Russo's profile image Profile Picture

Al on 06 Jul 2020 00:17:51

RE: DAX calculations at visual level of reports

Yes, indeed. XLCubed is a good alternative. It allows the creation of calculations at the visual (table) level.

Marco Russo's profile image Profile Picture

Power BI User on 06 Jul 2020 00:17:49

RE: DAX calculations at visual level of reports

As an Accountant/Finance type, I’m finding it difficult to convince others in my field to invest what they would need to in DAX. Calculations at a visual level would bring this group functionality without having to make the full investment in DAX upfront. My hope would be that this would bring better adoption from a broader business group.

Marco Russo's profile image Profile Picture

Power BI User on 06 Jul 2020 00:17:48

RE: DAX calculations at visual level of reports

Or ... use a client like XLCubed which embraces Excel. No need to wait for future enhancements. Available today!

Marco Russo's profile image Profile Picture

Joshua Chartier on 06 Jul 2020 00:17:09

RE: DAX calculations at visual level of reports

Perhaps a more DAXy step in a similar direction would be to add ordered iterators. Think of SQL's LAG operator but inside a DAX iterator function. While adding the concept of ordering is likely non-trivial under the hood, it would definitely help with Running Total, as well as any other path dependent calculations. I've created an idea with another use case and a possible syntax at

Marco Russo's profile image Profile Picture

Chris Timbers on 06 Jul 2020 00:17:02

RE: DAX calculations at visual level of reports

When thinking about evaluating competing BI tools MS would do well to note that some very old BI tools have this equivalent functionality; lack of it is creating resistance to PBI adoption at my workplace. DAX is great but not easy as Marco & Alberto would say.

Marco Russo's profile image Profile Picture

Phil Curtis on 06 Jul 2020 00:16:42

RE: DAX calculations at visual level of reports

Agreed - these "visual functions" would make it easier for new users including advanced Excelers to adopt and see the value of migrating onto a centralised data platform. Otherwise many will simply give up on the DAX mind-twist (context transitioning multi-layer, multi-functions for subtotals!), focus on their work and turn to another tool, avoiding it in future or full roll-out.

Thank you Marco & Alberto for applying your deep understanding to this. Microsoft – you should take up this valuable insight and idea!

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Alessandro Santos on 06 Jul 2020 00:16:23

RE: DAX calculations at visual level of reports

Another thing that can be possible is to reuse some part of data that we already query (i.e. Highlight the Total Sales of a table/matrix in a Card)