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Matrix - Sort columns by value

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on 11 May 2016 22:35:30

Matrix currently doesn't allow you to sort the columns based on designating values as being a priority above the column field names.
For example, my field in the columns section results in three columns. If you add two sets of values, you are forced to see: Column 1, Value 1, Value 2, Column 2, Value 1, Value 2, etc. Like in a Pivot Table, you should be able to prioritize values so that it shows as: Column 1, Column 2, Column 3, Value 1, Column 1, Column 2, Column 3, Value 2.

Comments (71)
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Power BI User on 16 Aug 2020 04:19:37

RE: Matrix - Sort columns by value

Any update on this feature? Hope you will add it soon :)

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Helen Power BI User on 16 Aug 2020 04:19:21

RE: Matrix - Sort columns by value

Much needed!

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Diana T on 16 Aug 2020 04:19:16

RE: Matrix - Sort columns by value

Please add this function

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Nelson Yu on 16 Aug 2020 04:18:47

RE: Matrix - Sort columns by value

Some solution out there suggested Unpivoting the columns, so one column showing the list of parameters, another column showing the corresponding values, and one showing column partitions. That could be a workaround to show Measure1: column1, column2 ; Measure2: column1, column2 , etc.

But this wouldn't work if my rows have more than 2 layers of drilldown. Coming from a financial world, I have Regions as my level 1 grouping, and next level would be portfolio. Using the aforementioned unpivoting solution, the aggregation will always be a sum. But than my measures are market value, coupon, etc. For my Region to show a sum of market value is okay, but it doesn't make sense to sum my coupons up to 200% for my region. So that's why I must stay away from the unpivoting suggestion and add measures to my value, but then I am not able fix the column partition to make it appear below my "values" headers

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Santelle on 16 Aug 2020 04:18:29

RE: Matrix - Sort columns by value

How can this NOT be possible yet?? So basic..

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Power BI User on 16 Aug 2020 04:18:12

RE: Matrix - Sort columns by value

Please! It's a basic functionality!

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Vadim on 16 Aug 2020 04:17:40

RE: Matrix - Sort columns by value

Need this

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Chris Chris on 16 Aug 2020 04:17:39

RE: Matrix - Sort columns by value

You would think to be able to sort by any columns in a matrix table is a fundamental functionality! Otherwise what's the point in taking the advantage of a matrix visual!

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Kevin Coupal on 16 Aug 2020 04:17:32

RE: Matrix - Sort columns by value

Requested over 3 years ago. Can Microsoft at least tell us if this basic functionality is in the funnel to be implemented?

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jeff.banyard on 16 Aug 2020 04:17:32

RE: Matrix - Sort columns by value

a matrix with dates as a column - looks really weird when you sort and the dates dont sort properly - this really needs to work - or take the sort option off the columns you cant sort by