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Measure Management & DAX Editor

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DaveG on 09 Jan 2018 10:55:44

Anyone who uses PowerBI long enough has had a PBIX with 50-60 measures and it has become time consuming and tedious to mantain. In Excel you can do a quick find/replace to edit several formulas - in PowerBI you need to select each one individually. An "excel-like" interface for editing measures would save a lot of time! This would take PowerBI to the next level regarding productivity. I've prepared a mockup for this as well as a DAX Editor. Let me know what you think.


Zoe Douglas (administrator) on 05 Dec 2023 23:44:57

DAX query view is now in public preview in Power BI Desktop which includes a DAX editor and measure management. Deep dive into DAX query view and writing DAX queries | Microsoft Power BI Blog | Microsoft Power BI

Comments (129)
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jsp.almeida1983 on 16 Aug 2020 04:02:58

RE: Measure Management & DAX Editor

Excellent idea. Microsoft please move ahead with this.

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David Pitts on 16 Aug 2020 04:02:53

RE: Measure Management & DAX Editor

Actually All we need is the ability to separate the Model from the data from the visualization in the PBI.

I already use Excel, Power Query the PowerBI Object Model and VBA to Author my Data Models in Excel in PowerPivot. (800+ Measures!) from standard analytical Patterns

I use he Import from excel in Power BI Desktop to Bring the mode into PowerBI. and then To Service

The Problem is that once this is done and you create the Visualization Layer, you cannot go make and make major changes to the Model without recreating the Visualization Model. either way the maintenance of the Model is Time Consuming and Tedious which ever way you go rom there

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Power BI User on 16 Aug 2020 04:02:24

RE: Measure Management & DAX Editor

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Shelley on 16 Aug 2020 04:02:23

RE: Measure Management & DAX Editor

This would help with visibility to our expressions too. I'm always looking back through expressions to see what other fields were referenced and it is very time consuming. Half the time, I feel like I am blind, while working on new expressions. I'd love to be able to see them all simultaneously, especially when one must be calculated first and then another and another. It would help to be able to see all of them at once to see the flow.

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Rose Ventura on 16 Aug 2020 04:02:16

RE: Measure Management & DAX Editor

While you're at it, it would be great to create a repository or library where you can export your Dax measures and share them among your many dashboards. So often I find myself creating the same measures over and over (not from scratch but thru copy paste). I started copying my measures into Excel and then keep that as my repository, but it would be great if we could "Export measures to library" so we could share. To see all measures that you've created in one place would be great!

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Wildmight on 16 Aug 2020 04:02:12

RE: Measure Management & DAX Editor

This will definitely help to speed up development. Especially during tedious copy/paste - change column/metric name in formula!

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Stéphane on 16 Aug 2020 04:02:11

RE: Measure Management & DAX Editor

You could develop a graphical interface where formulas are boxes with inputs and outputs and links to data tables and other formula boxes! See software like Blender 3D (Nodes) or 3DSmax! It's so boring to learn a language for every application!
When will Microsoft take the step of the 90s in terms of user interface?

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Didier Terrien on 16 Aug 2020 04:02:08

RE: Measure Management & DAX Editor

I moved my workaround solution to GitHub :

Very good tutorial about it by Ruth Pozuelo (Curbal) :

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David Cresp on 16 Aug 2020 04:02:06

RE: Measure Management & DAX Editor

Sounds like a great idea. Some of the great features of DAX Studio could be brought into the DAX editor.

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Daniel Otykier on 16 Aug 2020 04:02:03

RE: Measure Management & DAX Editor

For measures alone, you can actually use Tabular Editor, although it is unsupported. Tabular Editor lets you connect to a running instance of Power BI Desktop, or to open a .pbit file. You can also export/import measure properties (such as format strings, descriptions, expressions) to a .TSV file for batch editing in Excel. See for more details.

Merged Idea (3)