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Combine enterprise gateway and online data sources

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Rflad on 13 Apr 2016 16:08:02

At this time, a gateway will not function properly if you are using data sources and one is online and one is on-prem. As soon as the online data source is added, the gateway is designed to gray out because Power BI interprets that it is no longer needed. I would like to be able to combine data sources from both on-prem and online sources together with the use of gateways.

Administrator on 25 Apr 2023 23:33:37

Was finished a while back...marking as finished

Comments (238)
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Dalton on 05 Jul 2020 23:38:52

RE: Combine enterprise gateway and online data sources

Hi All,
I am getting this same error message after connecting my datasources to the On-premise Gateway for other sources in the report.
The SharePoint datasource is giving me the error "SharePoint: Request failed: Unable to connect to the remote server" when I initialize a refresh from the Power BI service or when i schedule a refresh through the Gateway.
If i initialize a refresh through the Power BI Desktop, it works perfectly fine.
Also it does not complain about the file that I am loading but complains about the another table where I am merging the SharePoint file with another file
All the steps mentioned in this document has been performed and still the same error message.
Please if you can help.

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Power BI Ideas Admin on 05 Jul 2020 23:38:19

RE: Combine enterprise gateway and online data sources

We also tried refreshing datasets which merge on-prem source (SQL server) and online source (Excel on SharePoint online), and this is still not working, despite enabling the Gateway setting “Allow user’s cloud data sources to refresh through this gateway cluster.”

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Marina Malvino on 05 Jul 2020 23:38:10

RE: Combine enterprise gateway and online data sources

It doesn't work with SharePoint Online et SQL Server On-premise.

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Power BI Ideas Admin on 05 Jul 2020 23:38:10

RE: Combine enterprise gateway and online data sources

Refreshing datasets containing queries that merge data from a web source with an on-Prem source still does not work. The linked documentation describes a procedure that doesn't solve the problem. This is not finished an marking it as "completed" is wrong.

I ran a couple of tests and documented them in an issues post where people can vote for it:

This is frustrating, we've been waiting for this fix for more than a year!

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Daniel Davis on 05 Jul 2020 23:38:08

RE: Combine enterprise gateway and online data sources

It's convenient this is marked complete, when it doesn't fully work. I opened a support request trying to trace this issue and was sent tracing in circles providing logs and network traffic captures to no avail.

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Daniel Davis on 05 Jul 2020 23:36:32

RE: Combine enterprise gateway and online data sources

Has anyone found any workaround for this? It is crippling my ability to publish our latest dataset since migrating to using CSV files in Sharepoint to filter and augment database results

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David Cresp on 05 Jul 2020 23:36:03

RE: Combine enterprise gateway and online data sources

This is a major flaw in Power BI Gateways. Please fix this asap.

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David Cresp on 05 Jul 2020 23:31:26

RE: Combine enterprise gateway and online data sources

I have just come up against this problem. One year on from starting it still seems to be a major issue. Please fix this one MS.

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GHammond on 05 Jul 2020 23:27:35

RE: Combine enterprise gateway and online data sources

I'm running into the same issue. Can someone please provide an update?

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Melissa Coates on 05 Jul 2020 23:27:35

RE: Combine enterprise gateway and online data sources

In the settings for the On-Premises Data Gateway, there's an option to “Allow user’s cloud data sources to refresh through this gateway cluster.” You can see that option shown on the 2nd screenshot on this page: Hopefully that option will help some of the people still commenting on this being an issue.