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Combine enterprise gateway and online data sources

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Rflad on 13 Apr 2016 16:08:02

At this time, a gateway will not function properly if you are using data sources and one is online and one is on-prem. As soon as the online data source is added, the gateway is designed to gray out because Power BI interprets that it is no longer needed. I would like to be able to combine data sources from both on-prem and online sources together with the use of gateways.

Administrator on 25 Apr 2023 23:33:37

Was finished a while back...marking as finished

Comments (238)
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Matt on 05 Jul 2020 22:54:01

RE: Combine enterprise gateway and online data sources

Do you need another use case? You take away power bi free sharing for O365 shops. So we need to get a 50k node. That's the same price as our Business Objects implementation but it will give everybody in the enterprise read-only access. You're looking good so far. The POC starts and stops with the fact this On Prem gateway can't refresh a data model (same as Bobj universes) with both sources. Tic Toc the POC will end and you don't get a deal. This has been hanging out there for quite a while.... fail.

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Matt on 05 Jul 2020 22:54:01

RE: Combine enterprise gateway and online data sources

1) take away power bi free june 1 and make a lot of early adopoters look bad because the new model costs money and you notified all users at same time leaving devs no time to prepare plan b.

2) embolden those same early adopters to pitch the plan b that costs significantly more money...which means in many cases enterprises are looking at replacing legacy BI systems to find the cost savings for this cool new shiny bi system.

3) Fail because you weren't ready to offer big enterprises the type of connectivity they need for their on prem gateway to work. You have a lot of silly features enterprises will never use, but we can't sell that. You just needed to have this OPDG ready to go on june 1.... poc's for replacement are failing.

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Alex _ on 05 Jul 2020 22:53:27

RE: Combine enterprise gateway and online data sources

This is a high priority issue for us as well. Looking forward to having it fixed asap. Thanks.

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Rory Neary on 05 Jul 2020 22:53:11

RE: Combine enterprise gateway and online data sources

Can we have an update please. It's affecting power bi premium.

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John Nickell on 05 Jul 2020 22:53:01

RE: Combine enterprise gateway and online data sources

I'll add a me-too to this list, and a request to know if this is closer to reality. While I do need the OAuth piece as well, even combining a connection that's on-prem and a anonymous web query (to get current time) cause the (Non-personal) Gateway feature to be disabled. The messaging around what is causing this is NOT clear. I was trying to debug my connection to the On-Prem resource only to find out a couple of hours later that it was just the fact that I had an 'online' resource included in my dataset that was turning off the gateway.

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Power BI User on 05 Jul 2020 22:52:59

RE: Combine enterprise gateway and online data sources

Do you have a timeline you can share for when you plan this to be available. This is quite a key feature we would like to have within Shell.

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Power BI User on 05 Jul 2020 22:52:26

RE: Combine enterprise gateway and online data sources

Hello Dimah,

we are trying to Connect to on-premise data source, But we are having issues and error mentioned is: Data Source Can't be accessed by a data dateway. could you advise, Thanks.

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Claudine Malzkorn on 05 Jul 2020 22:52:07

RE: Combine enterprise gateway and online data sources

Any news? So urgently needed!

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NA on 05 Jul 2020 22:51:25

RE: Combine enterprise gateway and online data sources

Any Updates on this yet?

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se on 05 Jul 2020 22:51:24

RE: Combine enterprise gateway and online data sources

Is there any news?