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Measure Management & DAX Editor

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DaveG on 09 Jan 2018 10:55:44

Anyone who uses PowerBI long enough has had a PBIX with 50-60 measures and it has become time consuming and tedious to mantain. In Excel you can do a quick find/replace to edit several formulas - in PowerBI you need to select each one individually. An "excel-like" interface for editing measures would save a lot of time! This would take PowerBI to the next level regarding productivity. I've prepared a mockup for this as well as a DAX Editor. Let me know what you think.


Zoe Douglas (administrator) on 05 Dec 2023 23:44:57

DAX query view is now in public preview in Power BI Desktop which includes a DAX editor and measure management. Deep dive into DAX query view and writing DAX queries | Microsoft Power BI Blog | Microsoft Power BI

Comments (129)
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Austin TRACY on 17 Jan 2022 16:49:30

RE: Measure Management & DAX Editor

I don't think that it's ideal to have to lean on community tools to do this, they should be built into Power BI by default.

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Sébastien De Bosscher on 03 Nov 2021 10:35:26

RE: Measure Management & DAX Editor

One big problem with using the current external tools is that modifying TOM objects (table names, measure names, column names) BREAKS ALL RELATED VISUALS.

For more information and a proposed solution:

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on 30 Sep 2021 22:36:20

RE: Measure Management & DAX Editor

Having a dynamic mapping, ideally done in the query editor, so that a dashboard designed for a particular data set can be fully or partly reused for another data set that has different measure names and potentially not all of measures.

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on 30 Sep 2021 22:36:19

RE: Measure Management & DAX Editor

I would like a way to better organize the measures and calculated columns that are created. Currently measures and calculated columns are placed amongst the table columns alphabetically. In order to organize the measures, I need to build a standard naming convention to keep them together. This is even more important as the data models become quite complex with many measures. I would like a way of storing measures in folders within the table so I can flexibility on how they are categorized and their purpose.

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on 30 Sep 2021 22:36:19

RE: Measure Management & DAX Editor

Please add a better solution/UI to create and manage measures. Measures are the core of what makes Power BI stand out from the rest. At the moment it is quite difficult to find measures (they are listed in alphabetical order with all other database fields. There is no holistic overview of measures across tables and there is no easy way to bulk create edit them. Also it is not possible to see the value of the measure as in Excel PowerPivot. This is a great way to debug your measures by filtering the table and seeing the value change.

I think the ideal solution is a "Manage Measures Dialogue" similar to the Defined Names dialog in Excel.

You have a list of Measures with information about the location, formula, formatting, desxcription and values. You can select multiple measures, rename them, format them, add descriptions etc.

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Joel Leichty on 23 Sep 2021 00:29:14

RE: Measure Management & DAX Editor

We don't need "high-end" capabilities. We need simple things:
1. A UI that is dedicated to writing, organizing, and formatting measures.
2. Get the "formula" bar out of the way.
3. Fix having to wait on "adding calculation to model".

None of these should require a third-party tool.

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Steve de Peijper on 06 Mar 2021 04:53:10

RE: Measure Management & DAX Editor

Press CTRL-D twice and start typing!

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Mias Vleminckx on 02 Dec 2020 14:36:28

RE: Measure Management & DAX Editor

Hi All,
Tabular editor & Dax Studio add-ons basically are these things.
Please check it out! It's awesome! :D

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Kah Heng Yeong on 09 Nov 2020 06:32:50

RE: Measure Management & DAX Editor

I tried this in Tabular Editor and it works just like Excel's "Find & Replace" function but would be even better if this is built in Power BI Desktop

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Pär Adeen on 02 Oct 2020 13:39:53

RE: Measure Management & DAX Editor

Doesn’t Tabular editor do exact this?

Merged Idea (3)