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Prabhat Kaushik on 03 Oct 2024 03:39:29


Ye agree excel or csv data format should be same. Ideally for big data export we should option to have export csv.and it's format should aligned with headers

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Sharad Mahajan on 02 Oct 2024 23:30:46


I believe not all PBI reports need a dashboard to house them so hard to understand how this behaviour helps the user. It does create unnecessary clutter on the workspace that is quite unfriendly experience.

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Arkadiusz Leśniak on 02 Oct 2024 19:17:21


Thank you :)

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Giovanni Rossi on 02 Oct 2024 17:49:15


I agree this is important. We currently use a third-party solution, but, beside cost, it is a bit complicated. If Microsoft implemented something simpler, it would be a big bonus.Unfortunately, the Shopify solution is not ready yet in our opinion. It does lack some B2B capabilities, but the connector is quickly improving so maybe soon?

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Lucy Hart on 02 Oct 2024 17:22:23


Would agree with other comments that this is a bug and not a feature request! “Export data as current layout” but then doesn’t export as current layout at all. Super critical for migrating business reporting and a significant block in getting users on board. Please fix this ASAP!

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Salvatore RANIERI on 02 Oct 2024 16:03:23


When Microsoft will consider this important idea? It helps to be compliant as well. Auditors ask to have a workflow for vendor creation. The onboarding should be improved in order to use it for internal purpose and not only for external.No make sense to have an approval workflow for few fields that changes in vendor master table and not have a wf for vendor creation.

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Matt Wood on 02 Oct 2024 15:39:57


It is imperative to avoid confusion of your end report consumers by limiting the user journey within the reporting tools. Hiding these report bookmarks should be default functionality. Please consider adding this in the next product release.

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Kristof Vervaeke on 02 Oct 2024 15:00:02


A great idea, definitely useful to put it on the roadmap.

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Derek Pritchett on 02 Oct 2024 14:52:14


This is really critical to enable the reliable use of dataflows on a larger scale. There are a lot of advantages to using dataflows but this lack of functionality really holds it back.

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on 02 Oct 2024 14:22:56


Good morning, I am looking for help in the direction of having an option in the planner to export all jobs in the hub to an excel sheet so I can have a running tally of open projects.
Is there any way we can get that, or if it already exists can I get a Demo on that?