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Conditional Formatting for Total and Subtotals in Matrices

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on 12 Dec 2016 08:57:40

The recent addition of conditional formatting for values is wonderful. However, it would be great to have the ability format subtotals and totals, as the variation on those fields are often even more important to draw attention to.

Administrator on 23 May 2020 01:39:28

Thanks everyone for your votes on this feature! With the April 2020 release of Power BI Desktop this is now available! Please keep commenting on this feature with other feedback, we check the Completed items as well as ones that are still active.

Comments (555)
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Scott Abotorabi on 06 Jul 2020 00:00:16

RE: Conditional Formatting for Total and Subtotals in Matrices

Any Updates?

Nearly 4,000 votes and 400 comments. This has been backlogged for 8 months??

This is a basic necessity when using a matrix.

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Asmita on 06 Jul 2020 00:00:15

RE: Conditional Formatting for Total and Subtotals in Matrices

Conditional formatting for Totals and Subtotals should be there as its a basic feature.

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Marco Cusson on 06 Jul 2020 00:00:11

RE: Conditional Formatting for Total and Subtotals in Matrices

Seems like it should have been a basic feature along the values conditionnal formatting.

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Romina on 06 Jul 2020 00:00:11

RE: Conditional Formatting for Total and Subtotals in Matrices

Is there any update on this? Thanks.

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Adrian Theuma on 06 Jul 2020 00:00:10

RE: Conditional Formatting for Total and Subtotals in Matrices

I agree - this is a must have requirement and needs to be added otherwise what is the point of showing different levels. The whole idea is to drill down from summary to detail with the ability to see the status at the summary level.

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Power BI User on 06 Jul 2020 00:00:05

RE: Conditional Formatting for Total and Subtotals in Matrices

It has been a huge loss not being able to conditionally format the totals and subtotals. There are cases where you want to highlight a KPI for the summarized values ​​in an array, especially arrays that use Drill Down levels.

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Leonardo Zuniga on 05 Jul 2020 23:59:58

RE: Conditional Formatting for Total and Subtotals in Matrices

Oh c'mon! everything we're lately needing seems to be backlogged!! This is basic formatting functionality on Excel and other products. Please make it a bit easier for us to provide the I on BI to our users! :@

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Fernando Sa on 05 Jul 2020 23:59:51

RE: Conditional Formatting for Total and Subtotals in Matrices

I use PowerBI extensively...But the lack of some very basic Office features like this one, click drag to select multiple items, etc... Turns the experience way more frustrating than it should be on the developer side.

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Power BI Ideas Admin on 05 Jul 2020 23:59:48

RE: Conditional Formatting for Total and Subtotals in Matrices

Yet another on the long list of annoyances. It's just not a mature product...

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Billy Moran on 05 Jul 2020 23:59:47

RE: Conditional Formatting for Total and Subtotals in Matrices

Seriously? This is a fundamental reporting need that totally screws up many of the tables I try to produce. And then I have to explain that Power BI just sucks and yet still try to justify using it. You are making it exceedingly difficult to do so with such elementary aspects like this not being addressed. And add to that the formatting of row headers when you show values by row!