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Steven Blomquist on 29 Apr 2024 18:48:01


Oh wow, this would really help. It works great already just support it. With the recent UI updates it could help keep grids consistent through the system. We could still use the out of the box grids instead of PCF or old Web resources.

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on 29 Apr 2024 17:12:07


We need this so badly!

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Kishor Mistry on 29 Apr 2024 14:54:11


It's not so straightforward, you could have a sales order with 3 lines...line 1, Item A, Qty 10line 2, Item B, Qty 10line 3, Item C, Qty 10You post 3 shipments...line 1, Item A, Ship Qty 5line 2, Item B, Ship Qty 0line 3, Item C, Ship Qty 0line 1, Item A, Ship Qty 5line 2, Item B, Ship Qty 5line 3, Item C, Ship Qty 0line 1, Item A, Ship Qty 0line 2, Item B, Ship Qty 5line 3, Item C, Ship Qty 5You post 1 invoice (for part of shipped qty)...line 1, Item A, Ship Qty 8line 2, Item B, Ship Qty 8line 3, Item C, Ship Qty 8I know unlikely, but possible. How is this supposed to...a) Add comment lines to the posted invoice showing shipment no.b) Update the Shipment No. field on the posted shipment line

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Adam Andersson on 29 Apr 2024 12:47:39


To the best of my knowledge. Currently even with any custom measure it is impossible to add e.g. a Max line for each multiple. (Using ALLSELECTED, ALLEXCEPT, etc.) This feature would be an appreciated addition to Power BI.

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Marcin Misiąg on 29 Apr 2024 12:09:06


This should be optimized also on warehause receipts/shipments documents

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Matthieu HEUZE on 29 Apr 2024 10:51:36


You'll find an example with an image here :

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Bok-Him Lin on 29 Apr 2024 08:47:32


or at least make it not scope=onprem, so our developers can write code for that table?

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Ewa Koletzsky on 29 Apr 2024 08:44:40



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Bok-Him Lin on 29 Apr 2024 08:43:52


Yes we need it to for making a mgration to SaaS smoother

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Ewa Koletzsky on 29 Apr 2024 08:43:09


I definitely agree, this kind of chart is much needed!