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The users won’t be able to access QuickBooks Enterprise 24/7 support phone numbers #1-855-200-0590. The number is only available during the business hours. 

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Andy Clapham on 02 Jul 2024 10:18:32


 James Bartlett on 22 Aug 2022 21:11:44 ReportRE: Dynamic Date Slicer (improve relative date slicer)BEFORE YOU VOTE: Have you tried using the Preselected Slicer visual?That slicer is great, it's very close to what we're looking for here for date slicers.I wonder if the publisher has any plans to extend the selection options to date ranges?

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Domantas Gintauskas on 02 Jul 2024 09:14:41


Just a note - after converting a bunch of reports to "default" I realized that this is not always the most optimal click to "reset all to default" because then it looses all the conditional formatting if any, titles, actions on the buttons, reference7detail labels and similar settings that is more a "functional" rather than "aesthetic" part of the visual. So in some scenarios I found that it is less complicated to carefully reset to default setting by setting rather than resetting all to default and then struggling to rebuild other things that are lost. In case this idea ever gets to development, it would be nice to address this somehow.

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Julian Gimbel on 02 Jul 2024 08:48:45


Similar idea here:

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Carl Polk on 02 Jul 2024 00:50:13


BE nice to have this control in the registry like they do now with the GIS and other options in Power BI

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William Wood on 01 Jul 2024 22:26:11


This is essential for administration of data gateway connections.I'm currently unable to delete a number of data gateway connections as there's no way to tell if they're being used or not.Instead I have to trawl through each workspace and each dataset in the system to checkOr else I have to leverage something like Power Automate to repeat this action for me.

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on 01 Jul 2024 21:12:10


Quick heads up

It has been quite some time, but I just read a warning article online about and felt compelled to email you guys to disprove this nonsense.

It appears like there's some rumors circulating that could be potentially damaging.
Knowing how fast misinformation can spread and hoping not you to be taken by surprise, I thought it best to inform you.

Here's where I came across the info:

My hope is it's all a simple confusion, but it seemed prudent you should know!

Wishing you all the best,

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Vasu Nallasamy on 01 Jul 2024 16:29:32


We had the same problem. The moment we customize the node with PyPi packages, we loose the StarterPools instant start feature and go back to old 3-4 minute start time.For sometime, used the pip to install the packages from inside the notebook.And one file day, all ETLs failed stating the %pip magic commands disabled inside pipeline. Finally i managed to install the pip packages into Lakehouse files space like below!pip install googleads -t /lakehouse/default/Files/PyPi Packages/and then in the notebook i add below line to include the Lakehouse folder into syspath so the package can be imported like local installed package.import syssys.path.append('/lakehouse/default/Files/PyPi Packages/')This is a workaround to avoid high start time and still work with custom packages.Hope there will be some native fix for this in the future fabric runtimes.

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Karen Payne on 01 Jul 2024 14:53:58


This information would be very helpful, and save a lot of time.

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Amund Risa Fylling on 01 Jul 2024 14:40:33


I am surprised that this is not on the Fabric roadmap. Would be nice to know when Microsoft plans to fix this issue.