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Fabio Castelli on 28 May 2024 15:18:09


Same future also on Android based Tablet

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Erwin de Kreuk on 28 May 2024 15:10:31



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on 28 May 2024 15:02:49


The above is especially relevant for charges considered as "on-invoice". That pertains to charge lines with charge codes configured with a posting setup that relates the Debit or Credit directly to a customer. These charges are also captured in the Sales totals. They should be considered for the price report as they can/will effectively influence the final price of an item.

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Koen Verbeeck on 28 May 2024 14:46:35


A configurable parameter for bursting would be nice. For example x times bursting.You're alone on the capacity because you're the sole dev? Set it to 10 and enjoy the speed!You have to share a capacity globally and you don't want to borrow capacity from other time zones? Set it to 1 (which would mean no bursting).

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Nicole Vonk - van der Horst on 28 May 2024 13:41:22


And related:

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Rik van Dinteren on 28 May 2024 13:20:44



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Nicole Vonk - van der Horst on 28 May 2024 13:15:12


I believe what Mahmoud means is:When you create a new master data record (a new vendor, customer or item) and an approval workflow has been set up for this type of record, you still need to manually request approval.And if you don't send an approval request, the record is not blocked to use in a sales or purchase document.This is different with documents: if an approval workflow exists for a document it is not possible to release the document without sending an approval request first.In my opinion it would be better that if an approval workflow exists for a type of (master data) record, and a new record is created, an approval request should be send automatically for the new record, and the record should be blocked until approved. Sending the approval request can be triggered by closing the record.

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Stefan Kainz on 28 May 2024 12:00:14


We would also appreciate this feature.

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Andreas Truedsson on 28 May 2024 11:44:41


Good idea! For some sites, we are tracking inventory in flow racks. The function would be very useful to ensure that each flow rack lane hold a specific date, even when there are multiple batches with the same date.

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on 28 May 2024 10:23:53



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