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on 01 Jul 2024 17:47:23


Delta Airlines Last Name Change FormIf you need to change the last name on your 📞 (855) 647-3504 Delta Airlines ticket due to a legal name change【+1 (855) 647-3504】, such as marriage or divorce 【+1 (855) 647-3504】, Delta requires documentation to process this request. Typically, you will need to submit a form along with a copy of the legal document, such as a marriage certificate or court order. This process can often be started online through Delta 's website under the "Manage My Booking" section or by contacting Delta 's customer service 【+1 (855) 647-3504】. The form and documentation ensure that the name change is officially recognized and updated in their system.Delta Airlines Last Name Change Fee..Delta Airlines may charge a fee for changing the name on your ticket 【+1 (855) 647-3504】. The fee varies depending on the fare class, the time remaining until the flight, and other factors 【+1 (855) 647-3504】. It’s advisable to check the specific terms and conditions of your ticket or contact Delta customer service directly to get an accurate fee assessment. In some cases 【+1 (855) 647-3504】, if the name change is due to a recent legal change (like marriage), the fee may be waived upon providing appropriate documentation.How Do I Change My Last Name with Delta Airlines?To change your last name on a Delta Airlines ticket, start by gathering your legal documentation that supports the name change【+1 (855) 647-3504】, such as a marriage certificate or court order. Next, visit Delta 's website and navigate to the "Manage My Booking" section. Here, you can enter your booking reference and follow the prompts to request a name change. Alternatively, you can call Delta 's customer service at 【+1 (855) 647-3504】 for assistance. Be prepared to provide your booking details and the necessary documentation. Delta may charge a fee for processing the name change.

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Vasu Nallasamy on 01 Jul 2024 16:29:32


We had the same problem. The moment we customize the node with PyPi packages, we loose the StarterPools instant start feature and go back to old 3-4 minute start time.For sometime, used the pip to install the packages from inside the notebook.And one file day, all ETLs failed stating the %pip magic commands disabled inside pipeline. Finally i managed to install the pip packages into Lakehouse files space like below!pip install googleads -t /lakehouse/default/Files/PyPi Packages/and then in the notebook i add below line to include the Lakehouse folder into syspath so the package can be imported like local installed package.import syssys.path.append('/lakehouse/default/Files/PyPi Packages/')This is a workaround to avoid high start time and still work with custom packages.Hope there will be some native fix for this in the future fabric runtimes.

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Karen Payne on 01 Jul 2024 14:53:58


This information would be very helpful, and save a lot of time.

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Amund Risa Fylling on 01 Jul 2024 14:40:33


I am surprised that this is not on the Fabric roadmap. Would be nice to know when Microsoft plans to fix this issue.

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Ramunas Guobys on 01 Jul 2024 14:08:31


I think its the most important functionality for pipelines.

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Dan Ambler on 01 Jul 2024 13:53:34


Having keyvault technology baked into Fabric wouldn't go amiss either - for those of us who have a lot of political capital to navigate where spinning up Azure resource is concerned ;-). Also surprised this isn't gathering more votes quicker.

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Dan Ambler on 01 Jul 2024 13:37:59


Not every role is as clear cut as the experiences present so having this feature is quite significant. Surprised this wasn't standard from Day 1.

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on 01 Jul 2024 13:36:30


Great idea!

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Dan Ambler on 01 Jul 2024 13:31:23


This would be one step closer to something good. Connection management in general could do with lots of improvements..... but they are separate ideas :-)

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Tazyeen Ansarullah on 01 Jul 2024 12:08:46


Also, the guest users (if Admin) should receive emails whenever an access request is raised. The guest users (if admin) should be able to add emails in case of semantic model refresh failure.They should also be given an option to change the contact. Major loopholes are observed when B2B guest users are the admins of workspaces. In case of multi tenant organisations, the guest users are allowed to publish content to another tenant using a guest identity, be the workspace admin and dataset owners, but are not allowed to give access to another users - This restriction needs to be removed.