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Peter Loo on 03 Jul 2024 01:20:39


The PO line uses item - and receiving line is also item.If the invoice is using GL account, how would we identify the item received if it is not referencing to the PO receipt item line?

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Peter Loo on 03 Jul 2024 01:14:32


How about using the Item Price Group to group all items for the sales price?

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Jotheesh Bandapalli on 03 Jul 2024 00:28:55


Is this still in roadmap?

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Tim Robinson on 03 Jul 2024 00:04:34


Data models were drawing correctly for me until recently. And I am now on June release. Has the bug reappeared?Version: 2.130.930.0 64-bit (June 2024)

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Charlotte Rose on 02 Jul 2024 22:39:33


Also the ability to turn off drill up too, as it just confuses end users when the data isn't appropriate to sum (i.e counts of people per quarter for a population, summing by year quadruples the population!)The right click only showing 'view as table' is the ultimate goal!

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Preben Rasmussen on 02 Jul 2024 20:19:55


Indeed would be helpful some times, but we can't do that in C# either (without using extension methods), so might be hard to implement in AL.

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Chengliang Liu on 02 Jul 2024 20:09:43


Agreed! The "Show data point as a table" is an absolute security issue, Power BI team needs to give user the ability to disable it for every possible visualization.

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MIGUEL FRANCO on 02 Jul 2024 17:42:55


This is definitely needed as PBI will pass down long running queries that we need to kill in snowflake and it is very difficult to troubleshoot currently

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Richard Nesbitt on 02 Jul 2024 16:34:10


This would be a massive benefit to me, having an OOTB connector for Ardoq would improve my experience a lot, it would allow secure connections to my data to leverage the enhanced capabilities of PowerBI for my reporting

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Sonja Schultz on 02 Jul 2024 16:01:19


If the Business Process is 'blocked' the instance should not show up within a drop down for that process. For example if Sales Orders is blocked on a Lifecycle State for the product, version, or variant, they should not display in their respective dropdowns. As we grow with our versions in ECM - this drop down list has no way of managed and will continue to grow.