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Jon Steiner on 21 May 2024 11:54:58


I'm a user of Windsor.AI and Power BI. The native connector would really help with workflow automation improve the user experience for my team.

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Mike Girardin on 21 May 2024 11:37:05


Would love to see this happen.

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Michael Cunningham on 21 May 2024 11:30:11


Yeah this would be useful.

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Dev Purdon on 21 May 2024 11:28:59


Oh yeah this would save so much hassle

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Trevor Howe on 21 May 2024 11:28:27


Before I start this rant, I want you to know that I am a big fan of Power BI and its undisputed number one position for dashboarding/reporting solutions. The rate of change since the early inception days and Microsoft's commitment to providing a world class product is commendable. But then there is this ongoing issue of there not being an acceptable solution to have a default value for slicers. As others have posted, there are a number of workarounds, none of them, in my opinion hit the mark. I have used Microsoft's other reporting product, Reporting Services quite extensively, even before Power BI was around, and their ability to have a default value for a parameter based on a hard coded value or a value derived from a query is a simple, yet powerful solution. I cannot understand why Power BI does not have the same type of functionality, especially as both products are Microsoft.From a user perspective, they want to see current relevant data when they go into a dashboard without having to scroll through a list to find the latest month or have "Current Year" or "Current Month" as options. Sticky filters or Relative time filtering are also not really suitable especially if you want to see the latest month for which you have data. We might be in calendar month of today but the data in the dashboard might only become available during the course of the current month. Sod until that becomes available the slicer must default to the latest month, we have data for, i.e. last month, which changes to this month once that data is loaded later in the month.I also know there might be 3rd party visuals available which might address this issue, but surely, this is a big enough requirement and has been requested by many community members that justify that this be rolled out in the base Power BI offering.Pretty please.......

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Stefano Pagnutti on 21 May 2024 11:19:18


This would be a good addition, I would certainly use it.

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Imke Feldmann on 21 May 2024 11:16:09


Agree, this would be a good addition.

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Henrik Flemming on 21 May 2024 11:10:35


This needs to be fixed, Would be the best way to connect specific purchases of special orders to the correct sales order.

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on 21 May 2024 10:55:34


Yes it's a good idea! It will be helpful.

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Daniel AZCUTIA on 21 May 2024 10:46:57


It will help us a lot with this development.