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Didier Maignan on 25 Apr 2024 16:54:29


This new feature does not work anymore : there used to be a take control menu in the datamart settings. I cannot see it anymore. Didier

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Didier Maignan on 25 Apr 2024 16:49:10


Hi,this feature is deprecated in Fabric DataWareHouse and in Datamart. Maybe I missed some new user experience ? The menu exist if you right click but is greyed.Didier

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Mette Kastberg on 25 Apr 2024 16:19:17


Hi Definitely a yes from here.It is in our currently solution to book eliminations within the consolidation system.It will be much more efficient to consolidate if the elimination ledgers are to be booked within the consolidation system. Hence the ledgers are created here and it it possible to see the effect directly and if everything ads up.Moving the currency difference out of the consolidation entity to a separate entity - gives possibilities for providing mistakes and the need to run unnecessary pre consolidationsThank you

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Didier MAIGNAN on 25 Apr 2024 15:58:39


Hi folksThis feature seems now deprecated. The Take control menu disapeared in the datamart setting (above the description). Can you reinstall it again ?Tanks

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Stephani McDowell on 25 Apr 2024 15:44:08


We want this for real-time emails!

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Matt Dressel on 25 Apr 2024 15:20:55


While I think I understand why this was done, it isn't inline with Microsoft's current recommendations to utilize Service Principals for deployment. You are basically left to also have a Service Account to make changes that would require the Service Principal to be configured in this way. Which simply doesn't make sense. That should only be required if the action you are performing requires Tenant Level permissions.In our particular case we want to assign users roles. The S2S user has System Administrator permissions which should be more than enough for this to work. But it is not. It requires you to configure the Service Principal as a Tenant Administrator :(

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Gunnar Sturzrehm on 25 Apr 2024 14:57:55


Hi Philipp,customizing the theme for an environment is possible, see documentation: it's not possible, to transport these customization with different colors for different environments from dev to test to prod.Actually you need to do this on each environment again.Therefore I would like to enrich your idea by providing a feature to transport different customizations with different colors to the target environments.

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Nathan VALLEE on 25 Apr 2024 14:26:01


Would be a great addition !

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Norbert Łomotowski on 25 Apr 2024 14:23:33


yes please!

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Kim Melton on 25 Apr 2024 13:51:37


Our customer needs to be able to add 1 line in the elimination journal to balance minor (exchange rate) differences