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Mark Barlow on 13 Jun 2024 16:36:49


Really great idea which should be on Microsoft's roadmap!

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Michael Dalton on 13 Jun 2024 16:35:28


As Power BI has matured, more individuals use sophisticated "layering" (bookmarks) to achieve a dashboard's desired look and feel. However, managing this process with the interactions of different "controls" on different bookmarks is cumbersome. A panel to check/uncheck and manage interactivity between controls that reside on different bookmarks would be a huge productivity enhancement. As it stands, the process is a "time suck" that is prone to errors.

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ralph daigle on 13 Jun 2024 16:02:30


Great ideas.Speaking of visualizations, would it be possible to turn off the slide show effect on desktop apps. This happens when you select file from the menu and open options this whole page slides over. Sorry that feature is similar to the flash effect on others. Microsoft has graciously removed it from many other web pages and Azure.

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Arjen Hofland on 13 Jun 2024 15:27:26


Remembering the sorting order would be nice, but reversing it is a must. I can't even conceive that it is not on de roadmap. First thing a user does when opening those pages, is clicking on Nr.> to reverse the order.Nobody is interested in the purchorder from 3 years ago for example.

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Sylvie Nystrom on 13 Jun 2024 15:21:18


Good idea

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Sylvie Nystrom on 13 Jun 2024 15:19:39


We need this functionality to budget also on statistical accounts.Thanks

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Joe King on 13 Jun 2024 14:57:53


This would be great from a workflow perspective if we can consolidate activity management using ToDo/Planner

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Christian Dietze on 13 Jun 2024 13:03:51


Maybe as addition: it would be great to have this as a Flag at the User Setup, so that it can be activated if the user is asking for.

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Jamie Constantine on 13 Jun 2024 12:53:45


A suggested creative solution; create a TBD Resource (you could add this/create one for each Resource Group). On Job Planning Lines, assign the TBD Resource. The type could equal = Budget only. when the resource is scheduled, create a new planning line for the portion for the new resource. Or replace with the TBD.The TBD resource hours assigned can be included in reporting to gage how many hours are still not assigned.

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Jamie Constantine on 13 Jun 2024 12:48:04


Sales Orders linked to jobs would also allow Drop Ship AND warehouse shipments . I imagine the restrictions are because of the multiple places that the data can change when working through standard BC functions (change qty, pricing, amount received, etc) validating changes will compromise the integrity of the data flow back to the job. however, something needs to be done. Far too many organizations and their consultants dive into using BC Jobs/Projects without realizing the restrictions. I would rather have the entire BC Jobs removed then allow it to exist where an organization decides to implement it without understanding the limitations**** recently i have observed "Limitations" listed within Microsoft Learn and demonstrations published by Microsoft. I encourage more of this