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Miriam Grossmueller on 07 May 2024 09:33:51


Hi, I do also miss the conditional formatting function for row headers. It would have a tremendous positive effect on our reports.

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Laimonas Buga on 07 May 2024 08:45:18


We had this feature in AX 2012. It's missed in D-365 F&O sadly :( Very usefull!

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Khalid Sweiss on 07 May 2024 08:21:54


I am responsible for doing the consolidation of Group companies therefore we require this feature so that we can enable the transfer of balances in few accounts with their dimensions. Looking forward to it as soon as possible.

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Antonio Analyst on 07 May 2024 08:15:50


If you're creating reports with action buttons linked to bookmarks, it's crucial to hide those bookmarks. Please ensure this is implemented!

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Ahmed Siddiq on 07 May 2024 07:25:05


We are struggling and manually doing the adjustments. Microsoft must immediately add this feature.

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Syed Rehan Ali on 07 May 2024 07:14:11


When is DirectQuery to MySQL coming up?Please expedite this, thanks.

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Vinai Varghese on 07 May 2024 07:02:45


This is a much needed feature. After the parent LPs are created, and if we are not able to pick it for sales order or transfer order, it is a double work we need to perform. I believe this should be in the following way. LP Qty Parent LP LP001 10 LPP001 LP002 10 LPP001 LP003 10 LPP001 LP004 10 LPP001 LP005 10 LPP001 LP006 10 LPP002 LP007 10 LPP002 LP008 10 LPP002 LP009 10 LPP002 LP010 10 LPP002 Sales order Picking Qty 70Warehouse picker should be able pick LPP001 which is a parent license plate which will has a total of 50 Qty (combining all the 5 child license plates)And the remaining will be picked from LP006,LP007Same in the case of transfer order picking as well.

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Muhammad Faizan Zafar on 07 May 2024 06:47:18


please provide this feature as we need it in our business otherwise users suffer by doing manual adjustments.

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Hitesh Thakkar on 07 May 2024 06:21:22


Well, this is a much-needed functionality. MS should make a note of it.

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Mudasar Ansari on 07 May 2024 05:22:31


It will be good to have this feature