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Daniel Stello on 16 May 2024 06:45:06


The Document Output app from Continia does this. It will let you choses to attach all open invoices or just the overdue ones.

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M Fonsell on 16 May 2024 05:58:21


This is similar idea compared to ideaid=def9eeb9-dfcf-ee11-92bd-6045bdb614a3 - so please vote (or merge these two)

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on 15 May 2024 22:06:11


hey, jsut a warning

We haven't spoken in a while, but I came across a slam piece online about and immediately needed to message you guys to validate this review.

It appears like there's some rumors circulating that could be harmful to your reputation.
Being aware of how quickly rumors can spiral and not wanting you to be taken by surprise, I decided to notify you.

Here's the source of the info:

I hope it's all a simple confusion, but it seemed prudent you should know!

best of luck with all of this,

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Michael Steedle on 15 May 2024 20:27:12


It's equally bad on demand in your browser. I have never understood why.

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Josh Yuhasey on 15 May 2024 20:09:11


I second this. We need support for Server 2022 and the document routing agent software as soon as possible. Why would windows 8.1, windows 10, and server 2012 r2 be supported but not server 2022? Current list right from the article as of 5/15/2024 is: Supported on Windows 8.1, Windows 10, Microsoft Windows Server 2012 R2, Microsoft Windows Server 2016, or Microsoft Windows Server 2019.

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Jörg Belecke on 15 May 2024 18:42:21


A lot od our customers use this - just One of our popular apps.Just look on Appsource - we call it Connector 365 Easy Document Pin

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Sarah Gabriel on 15 May 2024 17:47:36


We really need this feature! It's extremely important for our business.

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Michael Walpole on 15 May 2024 14:45:24


Please add this

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Kieran Leigh on 15 May 2024 14:25:45


A cog setup would be useful in general for this step. The detected types are not always correct. The point at which the detected types are fully reviewed is not necessarily right away, so other steps will be added, triggering extra confirmations for each change. A window which would allow all columns to be changed and saved in one go would be more convenient.

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Stefan Mikula on 15 May 2024 13:36:49


We are receiving this requirement more and more frequently in Austria! Implementation would be very helpful to remain competitive.