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Isabelly Spindola on 21 May 2024 20:00:03


This would be great, It would be very useful for my work

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on 21 May 2024 19:54:01


Yes please!!! Windsor is the best possibility for including various sources from the google world, especially google analytics.

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Glen Little on 21 May 2024 19:24:47


This would help solidify our decision to use Power BI.

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on 21 May 2024 19:07:39


Yes! What's the hold-up Microsoft? People obviously want this to happen!

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Alejandro VANEGAS on 21 May 2024 19:04:15


Pretty great idea!!

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Stacy Whelley on 21 May 2024 18:32:05


This would make journeys so much easier!

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Stacy Whelley on 21 May 2024 18:30:56


We need this functionality!

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Brian Stone on 21 May 2024 18:20:10


Please implement this!

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Rich Johnson on 21 May 2024 18:05:07


Much needed functionality for our work.

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Jack Stewart on 21 May 2024 17:58:17


This is a native functionality in applications like Spotfire and the map extent and location syncing is valuable enough to switch applications. Please consider this for near term development. For my use I don't see any reason to allow for location and extents working in isolation as I would only use them together 90% of the time. Implementation of this feature could be as simple as creating a visual radio button for "sync all maps on page", possibly "sync all maps in project".