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Tom Erznoznik on 22 May 2024 12:16:29


This feature would really allow to have more clear overview of apps, because in the development phases No. of versions of specific app can be quite substantial and it is very hard to discover and specify exact version of a bug for example. Not to mention that we have 60+ environments - this feature would be really helpful.

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Roland Bernhardt on 22 May 2024 12:05:11


+1 , give us the ability to disable this monstrosity. By default it takes up 50% of the real estate, many of my users work in the field on 14" laptops and now they barely see any reports. Sure you can hide it, but why is it not hidden by default or a different menu on the left? There are already buttons.On top of it we have no control over the feature, anything you do is auto saved and objects are created with no user prompt. I accidentally created 3 dataflows and 2 datalakes just by testing it.

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Roland Bernhardt on 22 May 2024 12:05:07


+1 , give us the ability to disable this monstrosity. By default it takes up 50% of the real estate, many of my users work in the field on 14" laptops and now they barely see any reports. Sure you can hide it, but why is it not hidden by default or a different menu on the left? There are already buttons.On top of it we have no control over the feature, anything you do is auto saved and objects are created with no user prompt. I accidentally created 3 dataflows and 2 datalakes just by testing it.

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Sivaprakash Thaiyan on 22 May 2024 11:43:10


Hi I have the same the requirement for one of the project. Can you please update whether this idea is accpeted by product team

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Stuart Hainsworth on 22 May 2024 11:32:36


Fully support this - would be very useful.

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Kylie Cracknell-Woodhead on 22 May 2024 11:11:02


Agree this would very useful.

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on 22 May 2024 10:31:46


Fieke Bakenga

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on 22 May 2024 10:31:42


Fieke Bakenga

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on 22 May 2024 10:31:37


Fieke Bakenga

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on 22 May 2024 10:31:34


Fieke Bakenga