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Xiaojie Zhou on 04 Jun 2024 11:49:25


The administrator's response was Nov 2020. Any new considerations/plans about bringing Power BI Desktop to Mac in 2024?

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Pedro Ferreira on 04 Jun 2024 10:56:12


I fully support this idea. The gap between the information we can extract on an on-prem implementation vs cloud is still to big for performance tuning.

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Jonathan Teir on 04 Jun 2024 09:13:13


There is another thread with more comments about the same topic here:

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Nidhi Sakariya on 04 Jun 2024 06:27:28


Please add an option to remove it. Thank you

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貴哉 赤堀 on 04 Jun 2024 04:49:27


I hope they respond quickly.

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Sunil Chuttoo on 04 Jun 2024 04:03:33


This is defintely needed as we talk about process efficiencies. We have to 2-way match setup on the invoice and after going through the vendor invoice workflow approval process, the posting fails because of the overdelivery issue. Can Microsoft please add this to the roadmap and allow customers to gain some basic efficiencies in invoice processing?

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Howard Taylor on 03 Jun 2024 21:00:19


Or, if there was a bulk interface to update the datasets data sources in different workspaces, then this may surfice.

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Warren Kilham on 03 Jun 2024 20:44:53


This is a great suggestion. Being unable to specify particular offset accounts for reason codes when doing adjustment journals is a major hassle for our business, it creates hours of manual work analyzing entries in one code. If the reason code offset account could be used for adjustment journals it would save us a lot of time and improve the quality of our reporting.

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Lauren Dittmann on 03 Jun 2024 18:36:29


This is still a great idea and I am surprised it does not have more votes, especially given how natural the idea seems when working with App Audiences. I believe the difference between this and the RLS-based page level security feature request ( ) would be clear given the documentation around a hidden page still being available via a link, and I think this feature would be just as valuable as an RLS-based solution (if not more so), as it is a much lighter-weight solution for when the intent is just to reduce clutter and focus a report's purpose for a given audience - for instance to present a district comparison page as well as a per-district report page to a corporate audience, but just the per-district page to the district managers who have access to all district data, but really just need to focus on theirs.

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Spencer Burkhart on 03 Jun 2024 15:55:23


Because a Dashboard is 1:1 with a Workspace, multiple Apps per Workspace should be a feature or else Executive reporting on Dashboards will require a separate Workspace with all reports duplicated - this needs to be a feature!