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Arjen Hofland on 11 Jun 2024 06:31:51


In my opinion three things would be great to be able to control separate from adding, hiding reorganizing fields on page: - Resizing columns is basically a must- Adding personal filters is a must- Being able to rearrange columns in atable would be greatly appreciated Those are the things that our users keep asking about.

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Thomas Brodkorb on 11 Jun 2024 06:24:06


Well, the same would be required for Sales side, of course.All manual price/discount changes to Sales Line and Purchase Line should be retained as well.

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Jean Millette on 11 Jun 2024 03:32:24


We've implemented most of what we need for source management of Power BI Report files in Perforce. The missing piece? Automated creation of publishable ".pbix" files from ".pbit" template files. Let's get Power BI Desktop->File->Save As out of the process to make things totally automated.Thank you

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Kowshik S M B S on 11 Jun 2024 03:04:36


please give this feature

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Andrew May on 11 Jun 2024 00:54:25


Is there any work around for this other than customizing the reports or manually run the reports, entering the date each time?

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Benjamin Fox on 11 Jun 2024 00:52:38


Voting for importance. Should've been a feature at go-live

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Jonathan Boarman on 11 Jun 2024 00:20:23


Related Issue:

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Jonathan Boarman on 11 Jun 2024 00:15:21


Related Issue:

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Jonathan Boarman on 11 Jun 2024 00:09:54


As another example, INFORMATION_SCHEMA views are currently only available in WH and not in LH.

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Anastasia Alexandridi on 10 Jun 2024 21:00:49


We face the same issue. Our customers create orders for hundreds of items usually sent to the headquarters of suppliers with facilities all over the world on a daily basis. Most of the times even after they receive the items, they do not know which company will actually issue the invoice. Having to undo the purchase receipt, change the pay-to vendor on the purchase order, re-post the receipt, before posting the invoice isn't exactly productive. And since the invoice needs to be posted correctly in its entirety for tax related reporting, we have yet to find a decent workaround for cases where the items have already been used before the invoice arrives.It would be nice if we could change the pay-to vendor on the purchase invoice after we have connected it to a receipt.